Discuss the development of western education.


Discuss the development of western education.



1st contact of Europeans Portuguese conquered a part of North Africa then spread to West Africa. Europeans were interested in trade of gold and slaves and other materials. The Trans Atlantic trade made the contact more. Colonization came later
when Europeans came in large numbers. Europeans introduced Christianity and education. They were educated to become mulatoes. Mixed race. They were to be employed and were given more education than the Africans. The fight to stop slave trade was another important contact e.g. Britain colonized Sierra Leone as a place for freed staves. Education was given by missionaries and colonialists. Missionaries came to Africa to;

1. Stop slave trade

2. Evangelical revival in Europe and America

Christians in Europe started missionary groups to encourage further evangelization, abolish slave trade and through evangelization console the Africans due to slave trade. Some of these associations CMS, HGF. The missionaries did not spread much due to problems especially towards the interior.


Before 1879 only a small portion was under European rule. Towards end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century there was an influx of Europeans coming to Africa_ The scramble.

marto answered the question on May 20, 2019 at 07:08

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