Discuss the qualities of a Good Listener.


Discuss the qualities of a Good Listener.



i)Listening Effectively

In every listening activity he must:
- Listen effectively
- Avoid distraction(like day dreaming, over concentrating on the speaker,manarisms and
- Know why he is listening
- Maintain eye contact with the speaker.
- Observe the speaker?s use of gestures, facial expressions and tonal variation to enhance
understanding of the topic of discussion.
- Motivate the speaker and indicate to them that you are following what is being said
especially by nodding your head

ii) By being an active listener one is able to do the following in regard to communication. He/She
tries to:

- Note why the speaker uses illustrations.
- Determine the speaker?s intentions.
- Understand fully before making judgments.
- Remember the important points.

iii) In his evaluation he tries:

- To relate the speaker's information to his own interest and experience.
- Assess and carefully make a conclusion whether he or she concurs with the speaker or
marto answered the question on May 21, 2019 at 05:46

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