List the uses of the dictionary.


List the uses of the dictionary.



a. Learn the pronunciation of words: The pronunciation of words is usually given in phonetic transcript immediately after the first listing of the word. A good dictionary will also give the stress or accent of the word. The user should take note of these as he looks up the word.

b. Learn the spelling of words: the dictionary usually records the acceptable spelling. In case of alternative spelling, the user should learn to be consistent on the spelling he or she adopts, e.g. labour British English and 'labor'American English.

e. Learn the appropriate contextual meaning of the word: Many words have multiple meanings, e.g. date: palm fruit; outing by friends; day of the month. The user should be careful to note in what sense or meaning the word is used in the context. Most words arc listed in order of primary and secondary usages, e.g. the word 'crack' has 14 different meanings as a verb; 12 as a noun an I as an adjective in 'Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English .Idiomatic uses of words: Many dictionaries often give specialized or figurative uses of wordscalled idiomatic expressions, e.g. 'to crack a crib' means'to rob a houseā€.
e. Word classes: Most dictionaries also indicate the different classes particular words belong to,
e.g. noun (n) Verb (y) adjective (adj.) etc.

f. General information: Good dictionaries usually supply some useful general information like abbreviations, weights and measures etc. This will often appear either at the beginning or at the end.
marto answered the question on May 21, 2019 at 07:05

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