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Briefly explain how the following processes as stipulated within the constitution are used to resolve conflicts and the type of conflicts they are supposed to...


Briefly explain how the following processes as stipulated within the constitution are used to resolve conflicts and the type of conflicts they are supposed to resolve.
a. Arbitration
b. Negotiation
c. Armed forces



a. Arbitration: this process involves finding the source of the conflict by the parties concerned. The parties may individually or through an agent call upon each other to sit and iron out their problems. This process is referred to as round table discussion. By meeting face to face and talking with each other, creating room for understanding and giving explanation, they may find a solution to their problem and bring an end to the conflict in the question. This process can also be used to solve international conflicts
b. Negotiation: this process involves the use of a mediator. The mediator is a person or a group of people who are trustworthy to both parties. The mediator calls the parties involved into the conflict individually and studies the points of disagreement. After making both parties discuss and listen to one another, a peaceful resolution may be arrived at. Political, administrative and economic conflicts are mediated upon by the commission of inquiry. Commissions are formed by the president
c. Armed forces: they solve conflicts where there is no law and order. It is the army that is used to solve armed conflicts. A state of emergency may be declared in the case of serious conflict or the breakdown of law and order. The police can be given powers to arrest and detain without trial or where necessary shoot suspects. This method is used to deal with suspects, mobs, bandits and revolts

Dana05 answered the question on May 21, 2019 at 13:24

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