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You have read the novel 'The River and the Source' and really enjoyed and are now ready to tackle it in K.C.S.E. You overheard some...


You have read the novel 'The River and the Source' and really enjoyed and are now ready to tackle it in K.C.S.E. You overheard some of your friends in form three complaining that it should not been included as one of
the texts to be done in K.C.S.E .Write a book review encouraging them to read since it will be examined in their year.



Must have a layout of a review.

(i) Format:

Heading – Book Review
Year of publication

(ii) Body:

- The candidate should be able to at least capture the main character(s) – as he /she brings out the plot and
thematic concern(s) in the novel.
- The candidate should bring out some styles used in the poem
- The candidate should conclude by encouraging the form threes to read the novel since it is one of the
examinable text.

(ii) Language
marto answered the question on May 23, 2019 at 09:01

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