Describe the adaptations of the following components of blood to its functions. i) Red blood cell. ii) White blood cells


Describe the adaptations of the following components of blood to its functions.
i) Red blood cell.
ii) White blood cells



i) - Red blood cells have respiratory pigment for transport of oxygen.
- Have biconcave shape to increase surface area for diffusion of respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide; )
- Are pliable to be able to squeeze within narrow blood capillaries.
- Lack nucleus and some other organelles for packaging of more haemoglobin;
- Have thin epithelium for easy diffusion of respiratory gases;
- Are many per unit volume for transport of more oxygen;
- Have enzyme carbonic anhydrase which speeds loading and offloading of carbon (IV) oxide.
- Have a relatively long life span for efficient transport of oxygen;
ii) White blood cells.
- Have nucleus to regulate cell activities as they destroy pathogens;
- Are able to change shape to be able to engulf and destroy pathogens; / are phagocytic to destroy pathogens;
- Are produced in small numbers to prevent them from destroying other cells;
- Produce opsonins / lysins /antitoxins / agglutinins which destroy pathogens / microbes
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 23, 2019 at 13:24

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