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The photographs below shows a pair of mammalian organs with their blood supply. One of the organs has been sectioned longitudinally. Examine them. a) Identify the pair...


The photographs below shows a pair of mammalian organs with their blood supply. One of the organs has been sectioned
longitudinally. Examine them.
a) Identify the pair of organs.
b) i) Name the blood vessels labelled M, P and Q
ii) Which of the blood vessels P and Q carries blood with a higher concentration of urea ? Give a
reason for your answer.
Blood vessel
c) Name the structures labelled R and state its function.
Name .
Function .
d) i) Name the parts labelled S and T
ii) Name two parts of the nephron found in the part labelled S.



aa) Kidneys;
bb) i) M - Aorta;
P - Renal artery;
Q - Renal vein;
iii) Blood vessel - Renal artery;
Reason - most of the urea that enters via the renal artery is removed through ultrafiltration as blood flows through the kidney;
cc) Name - Ureter;
Ffunction - draws urine from kidneys pelvis to the urinary bladder;
dd) i) S - Cortex;
T - Medulla;
iii) - Bowman’s capsule;
- Glomerulus;
- Distal convoluted tubule;
- Proximal convoluted tubule;
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 23, 2019 at 14:23

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