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Describe the way by which terrestrial plants are adapted to living in arid and semi-arid ecosystems.


Describe the way by which terrestrial plants are adapted to living in arid and semi-arid ecosystems.



Roots are superficial and extensively developed; to provide large surface area for water absorption;
Roots grow deep / long roots; to reach water table / source deep in the ground;
Succulent / fleshy stem / stem possession of water storage tissue to store water for future use / to enable them survive drought;
Possession of waxy thick cuticle to reduce transpiration rate;
Reduced leaf surface / spines / scales / leaves modified into needle-like to minimize surface area (directly exposed to sunlight) to lower rate of transpiration;
Sunken stomata / hairy stomata / hairy leaves to lower rate of transpiration;
Some xerophytes have reversed stomatal rhythm to minimize rate of transpiration;
Rolled leaves / folded leaves to minimise stomata directly exposed to sunlight to lower rate of transpiration;
Short life cycles / quick growth after rains to make use of available water quickly;
Reduced number of stomata that lower the rate of transpiration;
Some shed their leaves during dry period to reduce transpiration rate;
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 24, 2019 at 09:09

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