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Study the diagram below and use it to answer the questions below. a) i) What name is given to this diagram. ii) Name the organism with the...


Study the diagram below and use it to answer the questions below.
a) i) What name is given to this diagram.
ii) Name the organism with the largest biomass.
iii) Name the organism with the largest number of prey .
b) State the feeding levels of organelles labelled A, B, C and D.
c) State three adaptations of the grasshopper that would help protect it against the lizard.



a) i) Foodweb;
ii) Plants;
iii) Lizard;
b) A - Tertiary consumer;
B- Secondary consumer;
C - Primary consumer;
D - Producer;
c) - Presence of wings for flight;
Long/powerful/muscular hind limbs for hopping;
Prominent compound eyes for perception;
Presence of feelers for sensitivity;
Colour camouflage for deception;
Hind limbs with spikes for protection;
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 24, 2019 at 12:27

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