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How are respiratory gases, oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide transported to and from tissues in mammals?


How are respiratory gases, oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide transported to and from tissues in mammals?



Transport of oxygen gas.
The alveoli have a higher concentration of oxygen gas; than the blood in pulmonary capillaries; oxygen diffuses across alveoli wall, endothelium of capillaries; into red blood cells; where
it combines with haemoglobin; to form oxyhaemoglobin; a compound that dissociates easily;
it is then transported in this form to respiring tissues; in the capillaries of respiring tissues oxyhaemoglobin dissociates into oxygen and haemoglobin; Oxygen diffuse into tissue cells; along a concentration gradient.

Transport of carbon (IV) oxide.
High concentration of carbon (IV) oxide in the cells stimulates dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin in blood capillaries of the tissues; carbon (IV) oxide diffuses out of the cells tissue fluid, across the endothelium of tissue capillaries; into the red blood cells; where it combines with water to form a weak carbonic acid; which dissociates into hydrogen carbonate and hydrogen ions; hydrogen ions combine with haemoglobin to form haemoglobinic acid; thus pH of the red blood cells and plasma remains constant; the hydrogencarbonate ions diffuse into the plasma and are transported in this form to lungs; a little of carbon (IV) oxide is transported in the plasma in form of hydrogencarbonate ions to the lungs; in the pulmonary capillaries, carbon (IV) oxide is released from the hydrogencarbonate ions and diffuses into the alveoli along a concentration gradient ; the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in red blood cells speed up loading and off-loading of carbon(IV) oxide;
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 27, 2019 at 13:00

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