What were the reasons for the Maasai collaboration with the British in the 19th Century?


Give five reasons for the Maasai collaboration with the British in the 19th Century.



1. The Masaai realized it was fruitless to fight the British after the Kedong Massacre

2. The Maasai wanted to get their women back who had been left in custody of the Agikuyu during the 1881 famine that the Agikuyu were refusing to surrender them

3. The Maasai had already been weakened by numerous human and cattle diseases such as cholera and small pox

4. They had been affected by natural calamities such as severe famine

5. High death toll brought about by natural calamities such as severe famine

6. The emergence of the Nandi as a strong power which had adverse implications on the Maasai economic and military power

7. Lenana wanted to consolidate his position and that of his kingdom by collaborating with the British
johnmulu answered the question on January 26, 2017 at 10:51

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