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Describe how natural selection results to speciation


Describe how natural selection results to speciation



Individuals of same species show certain variations; these variation differences are caused by genes; and they are passed from parents to offspring; through genetic inheritance; some of the characters of variation become more suited to prevailing environment; due to selection pressure most organisms generally produce more offspring; than environment can support; therefore organisms are always in struggle for existence; due to competition among individuals; those individuals posses characters; that enable them to have advantage to survive; and pass over the favourable characteristics to the offspring; those who are poorly adapted; fail to reach sexual maturity; and therefore do not pass their genes to the offspring; and thus the fittest survives;
- Peppered moths
- Hooves of horses
- Sickle cell anaemia
- Mosquito resistance to drugs
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 28, 2019 at 06:54

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