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The performance of the Business Studies as a subject has been declining in the KCSE examination, in your district for last four years. Imagine you...


The performance of the Business Studies as a subject has been declining in the KCSE examination, in your
district for last four years. Imagine you are the patron of the Commerce and Business Studies club in your school
and is concerned about the decline in the performance. Design a questionnaire that you would use to gather the
information you require to tackle the problem.

(b) Your club has come up with a school magazine that is designed to help boost students’ performance in the above
subject. Advertise the magazine.



e.g. In the last four years, the performance of Business Studies has been declining in the KCSE examination
in ABC district. This questionnaire seeks information that will help establish the causes of the decline. The
information collected will be treated with confidentiality and will be used in the efforts to try and boost the
performance of Business Studies in the District or county at large.
Section 1
1. Name
2. Gender……………………………………………. Class…………………………………………………
3. What category is your school? (Tick as appropriate)
? National
? Extra-county
? County
? District Boarding
? District Mixed Day
? Others: Specify:__________________
Section 2
1. What was your rank in class last term? (Tick as appropriate)
? Top 10
? Between 11 - 30
? Between 31 - 50
? Above 50
2. What was your grade in Business Studies last term? (Tick as appropriate)
? A
? B
? C
? D
3. Are you satisfied with the grade in (2) above?
Yes No
4. If your answer to question (3) above is yes, what do you attribute your achievement to?
? Own initiative and hardwork
? Encouragement from your teachers
? Encouragement from your parents.
? Encouragement from guest speakers.
5. If your answer to question (3) above is no, explain why you are not satisfied with your grade.
6. Does your school motivate you?
Very much Not quite Not at all
7. If your school motivates you, indicate how it does by ticking the appropriate box or boxes.
(a) It has enough teachers for this subject.
(b) It invites national examiners for the subject to talk to the students.
(c) It provides sufficient teaching / learning materials.
(d) It rewards good performance.
(e) Any other: Specify:_____________________________________________________________
8. What do you think could be done to motivate you further?
NB: A student must have items seeking information as to why the performance has been declining and other
seeking possible solutions to the problem. Award 4 marks for items
3 marks for solutions
For language and presentation

(b) Advertisement
Look out for:-
- Catchy word(s)
- Selling points of the product – points to counter competition from similar products.
- Use of pictures. NB: There must be a balance between the pictures and the words.
- Grammar and presentation.
- Border lines.
marto answered the question on May 28, 2019 at 07:53

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