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Use the diagram below of a mountain vegetation zone of a mountain in Kenya to answer the following questions. (i) Name vegetation zones A, B, C and...


Use the diagram below of a mountain vegetation zone of a mountain in Kenya to answer the following
(i) Name vegetation zones A, B, C and D
(ii) Explain three importance of vegetation in zone C
(iii) What is the Government doing to ensure that vegetation in zone B is not destroyed



(i)Vegetation zones
A - Savana grassland
B - Woodland
C - Mountain forest
D - Bamboo forest
(ii)Importance of vegetation in zone C
- Purification of air in biosphere
- Roots and plants bind soil together and check rain intensity – control soil erosion
- Habitat for wildlife – attraction of tourist generating foreign exchange
- View material for industries e.g. pulp, paper
- Some plants used in manufacture of medicine
- Aesthetic value – makes land beautiful
- Water catchment area – source of rivers
(iii)What the government is doing to protect forest
- Reforestation programs
- Legal action – law governing harvesting of trees
- Employment of forest guards
- Gazeting areas to become forest resource
Kavungya answered the question on May 28, 2019 at 13:06

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