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Describe how the following lakes were formed - Lake Masinga - Lake Kanyaboli


Describe how the following lakes were formed
- Lake Masinga
- Lake Kanyaboli



Lake Masinga
- Men built a dam across R.Tana
- Water accumulated on the upstream side of the barrier.
- This resulted in a man-made lake called Lake Masinga.

Lake Kanyaboli
- The river Yala began meandering on the flood plain
- Intense lateral erosion took place on the concave bank
- On the convex bank deposition was taking place and this caused narrowing of land separating the two concave banks
- Eventually the two concave banks joined causing the river to take a short-cut cutting off an ox-bow lake called LakeKanyaboli
Kavungya answered the question on May 28, 2019 at 15:10

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