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Study the world map below and answer the questions that follow. (a) (i) Name the climatic region marked B and D. (ii)...


Study the world map below and answer the questions that follow.
(a) (i) Name the climatic region marked B and D.
(ii) Name the ocean currents marked C and A.
(b) Describe the characteristics of the vegetation marked T.
(c) Explain how the vegetation in the area marked B adapt itself to the climatic conditions.



(a) (i) B - Desert
D - Tundual/arctic/polar
(ii) C - Cold Benguela current.
A - Warm Agulhas/Mozambique

(b) This is mediterranean vegetation
- Some plants have small thick-skinned leathery/spiny leaves.
- Some plants have long roots.
- Some plants have thick barks.
- Some plants have large fleshy bulbous roots
- Some plants have shiny/waxy leaves
- Some trees are deciduous
- Some plants are evergreen
- The vegetation is adapted to the long hot and dry summers
- Some plants have fleshy leaves.
- Gases dry off during summer and germinate during winter.
- Scrubs/thickets/thorn bush/inacquis/machia/chappaval/males are common.
- Woody scrub is common in dry areas.

(c) Some plants have thick/fleshy/succulent leaves to enable them store water.
- Some have long roots to top the underground water.
- Some have no leaves/have thin/spiny waxy/needle like leaves to reduce transpiration.
- Some plants seed remain dormant awaiting the short rains.
- Some plants have thick/hard barks to reduce transpiration.
- Some plants wilt due to the absence of moisture but have quick recovery ability.
- Some plants have thorns to protect themselves from browsing animals.
- Some plants are quick sprouting to take advantage of the short-lived desert rains.
- Most plants are stunted/dwarf like due to the harsh conditions.
Kavungya answered the question on May 29, 2019 at 06:09

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