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In an ecological study a grass hopper population and that of crows was estimated in a certain grass land area over a period of one year....


In an ecological study a grass hopper population and that of crows was estimated in a certain grass land area over a period of
one year. The results are as shown in the table below.
a) i) What is the relationship between the rainfall and grasshoppers population?
ii) Account for the relationship stated in a (i) above
b) Explain the relationship between the grasshopper and the crows population.
c) If the data was used in the construction of pyramid of numbers, what would be the trophic level of:
i) Grasshopper
ii) Crows
iii) The grass in the study area
d) If the area studied was on a square kilometer, state
i) One method that could have been used to estimate the grasshopper population.
ii) One method that could have been used to estimate the crows population.
e) Suggest what would happen if a predator for grasshoppers entered the study area.



(a) (i) Number of Grasshopper increases with increase in rainfall.
(ii) During rainfall; plant sprout; act as food for locust; Abundant food, they reproduce rapidly and number increases.
(b) Number of crows increases with increase in number of locust; crows feed on locust; As locust increase crows has
abundant food,; reproduce fast and increase in number.
(c) Grasshopper – Primary consumer
Crows – Secondary consumer
Grass – Producers
(d) (i) Capture – recapture
(ii) Physical count
(e) Grasshopper reduces(some eaten or migrate)
Grass increases
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 29, 2019 at 06:49

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