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Describe the characteristics and functions of the three types of muscle found in mammalian body.


Describe the characteristics and functions of the three types of muscle found in mammalian body.



(a)Skeletal muscles
- Attached on the skeleton.
- Have strips running across them thus called striped or striated muscles.
- Are multinucleated;
- The covering of muscle fibre is called sarcolemma;
- The functional unit of the muscle is the myofibrils;
- The muscle innervated by the voluntary part of the nervous system.
(b) Smooth muscle
- Found on the walls of tubular visceral organs.
- Cells are spindle shaped with a single nucleus.
- Lack of striations.
- Innervated by the autonomous part of nervous system (are involuntary)
(c) Cardiac muscle
- Each muscle fibre consist of short cells with centrally placed nuclei and numerous striated fibrils.
- Ends of cells marked by intercalated discs.
- Are myogenic and independent of nervous stimulations.
- Capable of continuous contraction without fatigue;
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 29, 2019 at 06:56

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