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State three cultural practices that contribute to high birth rate in Kenya


State three cultural practices that contribute to high birth rate in Kenya



- Sex preference some couples consider their births incomplete without a son. If their first children are girls a couple continue’s to get more children with the hope of getting a son . In the process they end up getting a large family
- The need for more children . Children are seen as old age security and they provide labour for work. The belief that the more children the man has the more respect he commanded in the society
- Polygamy with many wives a man can have many children . Polygamy still prevail in some areas hence contributing to the high population growth rate.
- Early marriages when women get married early then the rate of population.
- Increase is bound to be high due to increased total fertility rates
- Naming of relatives. The naming of children from the man’s and woman’s side alternately among communi ties like the Kikuyu’s results in large family
Kavungya answered the question on May 29, 2019 at 08:06

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