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The diagram below represents passage of a meal through the human digestive system.Study the diagram and answer the question that follow. (a) Name the physical process...


The diagram below represents passage of a meal through the human digestive system.Study the diagram and answer the question that follow.
(a) Name the physical process that will occur in the mouth cavity.
(b) Name the digestive juice C.
(c) Name the gland that secrete digestive juice B.



(a) Mastication / chewing / grinding ;
(b) Intestinal juice / succus entericus
(c) gastric glands
sharon kalunda answered the question on May 29, 2019 at 09:57

Next: Below is a diagrammatic summary of the main biochemical events in photosynthesis. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.(a) Suggest the identity of molecule...
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