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Explain the measures that could be taken to control the following problems in urban centers in Kenya. i) High rate of crime ii) Water pollution.


Explain the measures that could be taken to control the following problems in urban centers in Kenya.
i) High rate of crime
ii) Water pollution.



(i) High rate of crime
- Encouraging community policing to complement the effort of the police force
- Controlling the influx of illegal arms in order to reduce the incidents of thuggery
- Enforcing laws without favour to provide protection to the law abiding citizens
- Getting rid of street families to reduce the number of idlers in town any
(ii) Water pollution
- Educating the residents on the appropriate ways of refuse disposal to avoid polluting water resources
- Enacting and enforcing laws on environment management/ charging those found contravening the laws
Kavungya answered the question on May 29, 2019 at 10:47

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