L - Natural gas
N- Water
Kavungya answered the question on May 30, 2019 at 07:18
- You carried out a field study on metamorphic rocks in the area around your school.
i) Give two reasons why you might have conducted a reconnaissance...(Solved)
You carried out a field study on metamorphic rocks in the area around your school.
i) Give two reasons why you might have conducted a reconnaissance for the study.
ii) State four problems you might have encountered during the field study.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below represents a region that has undergone faulting. Name the features marked A, B and C(Solved)
The diagram below represents a region that has undergone faulting. Name the features marked A, B and C

Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give four ways in which parent material influence the nature of soil.(Solved)
Give four ways in which parent material influence the nature of soil.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows features formed by wave deposition. Identify the features marked J and K.(Solved)
The diagram below shows features formed by wave deposition. Identify the features marked J and K.

Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give two types of coastal beaches.(Solved)
Give two types of coastal beaches.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give two main reasons why convectional rainfall is common in Western Kenya region.(Solved)
Give two main reasons why convectional rainfall is common in Western Kenya region.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- The table below shows rainfall and temperature figures for a given station. Study it and answer questions
i) Calculate the annual temperature range for the...(Solved)
The table below shows rainfall and temperature figures for a given station. Study it and answer questions

i) Calculate the annual temperature range for the station.
ii) Describe the rainfall pattern for the station.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- State the uniqueness of Geography as compared to other subjects.(Solved)
State the uniqueness of Geography as compared to other subjects.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Name two minerals that occur as placer deposits.(Solved)
Name two minerals that occur as placer deposits.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give three reasons why petroleum is the most exploited source of energy in the world.(Solved)
Give three reasons why petroleum is the most exploited source of energy in the world.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Your class intends to carry out a field study on a sugar processing factory. State three objectives for the study.(Solved)
Your class intends to carry out a field study on a sugar processing factory. State three objectives for the study.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Draw a sketch map of Ghana.
On the sketch map mark and label.
i) Accra
ii) Cocoa growing areas.
iii) Name two varieties of cocoa grown...(Solved)
Draw a sketch map of Ghana.
On the sketch map mark and label.
i) Accra
ii) Cocoa growing areas.
iii) Name two varieties of cocoa grown in Ghana
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the map of Africa below to answer questions below.
i) Identify the canal marked 1 and 2.
ii) Name the rivers marked J, K and...(Solved)
Use the map of Africa below to answer questions below.

i) Identify the canal marked 1 and 2.
ii) Name the rivers marked J, K and L.
iii) Explain three physical conditions that hinder transportation on the river marked T.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- The table below shows the number of tourists who visited National Parks and Game Reserves in Kenya between 2007 and 2008. Use it to answer...(Solved)
The table below shows the number of tourists who visited National Parks and Game Reserves in Kenya between 2007 and 2008. Use it to answer questions below.

i) Draw a divided rectangle 15cm long to represent tourists who visited Kenya in 2007.
ii) Which Game Reserve / National park had the highest decline in the number of tourists in 2008?
iii) Calculate the total number of tourists who visited Kenya for the two years.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Name any three institutions established by COMESA to promote trade.(Solved)
Name any three institutions established by COMESA to promote trade.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe the characteristics of the population shown by the pyramid below.
Describe the characteristics of the population shown by the pyramid below.

Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- List any two legislations in Kenya that are aimed at management and conservation of the environment.(Solved)
List any two legislations in Kenya that are aimed at management and conservation of the environment.
Date posted: May 30, 2019. Answers (1)
- With the aid of a clearly labeled diagram, describe the occurrence of katabatic winds.(Solved)
With the aid of a clearly labeled diagram, describe the occurrence of katabatic winds.
Date posted: May 29, 2019. Answers (1)
- Name two planetary winds found in the northern hemisphere.(Solved)
Name two planetary winds found in the northern hemisphere.
Date posted: May 29, 2019. Answers (1)
- If air at 250C contains 15.2g/cm3 of water vapour and that the same amount of air can hold a maximum of 25.7g/cm3 of water vapour...(Solved)
If air at 250C contains 15.2g/cm3 of water vapour and that the same amount of air can hold a maximum of 25.7g/cm3 of water vapour at the same temperature, calculate the relative humidity.
Date posted: May 29, 2019. Answers (1)