What was the importance of prophets?


Explain the importance of prophets.



(i) They foretold and warned people of judgement and punishment of their disobedience to God.

(ii) They gave people hope of being restored to God if they repented their sins.

(iii) They taught the people the Covenant Way of Life and reminded them of their responsibility.

(iv) They acted as mediators between God and people.

(v) They communicated God's message to the people by revealing His plan for them.

(vi) They preached practical monotheism and condemned idolatry.

(vii) They condemned the social evils among the people in the effort to restore justice.

(viii) They taught people about the nature of their God.

(ix) The prophets anointed kings for the people people of Israel.

(x) They acted as the conscience of the kings and the people.

(xi) Some of the prophets acted as priests.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 31, 2017 at 13:08

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