What were the characteristics of false prophets?


Give the characteristics of false prophets.



(i) They were not guided by Yahweh but by their own imagination.

(ii) They promoted idolatry which was condemned by the Law of Moses.

(iii) They challenged the work of true prophets and gave messages coated with untruth.

(iv) They practiced prophetic ecstacy.

(v) They gave false testimonies, were self-appointed and feigned authority.

(vi) They gave messages that people wanted to hear for example, peace when there was no peace.

(vii) They lived immoral lives.

(viii) Some were paid servants of kings and only said what pleased the king.

(ix) They demanded payment for their services.

(x) They were prophets who claimed to speak in the name of Yahweh.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 31, 2017 at 13:18

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