What is the relevance of the Old Testament and the Traditional African prophets to Christians today?


Give the relevance of the Old Testament and the Traditional African prophets to Christians today.



(i) They should lead a prayerful life as a way of getting revelations from God.

(ii) Christians have to warn the people of God's judgement if they continue to live in sin.

(iii) They should accept suffering as they work for God.

(iv) They should assure the people of God's protection in their lives if they obey His teachings.

(v) They should be courageous in working for God despite the consequences of their message.

(vi) Christians should respond in obedience to God and to those in lawful authority.

(vii) They should lead exemplary lives as the prophets lived, speaking against social evils.

(viii) Christians should preach the gospel to all people without discrimination as Amos did.

(ix) Christians have the duty to reveal the nature and will of God to the people.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on September 1, 2017 at 09:05

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