What is the relevance of the teachings of prophet Amos to Christians today?


Describe the relevance of the teachings of prophet Amos to Christians today.



(i) Christians are the elected people of God with special responsibility of leading others to the will of God.

(ii) For Christians, the Day of the Lord refers to the second coming of Jesus, when judgement for all people will be affected, sinners will be punished and the righteous will be rewarded.

(iii) Christians who remain faithful will be restored into God's Kingdom at the end of Time.

(iv) Christians should condemn social injustices such as bribery and corruption, violence, sexual immorality, cheating in business and murder.

(v) Christians should be fair in their dealings with others.

(vi) Christians should put into practice God's teaching and live exemplary lives for others to emulate.

(vii) Christians should shun from evil so as to escape God's judgement.

(viii) Christians should learn that God is universal and He makes moral demands on all people.

(ix) Christians should repent their sins in order to escape God's judgement.
As a result they are assured of God's blessings.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on September 2, 2017 at 06:46

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