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"Although we are most secure at home ,visiting other countries deepens our understanding of the world." Referring closely to the story of Rawiri-Witi Ihimaera,The Whale Rider, write an essay in support of this statement.


"Although we are most secure at home ,visiting other countries deepens our understanding of the world."
Referring closely to the story of Rawiri-Witi Ihimaera,The Whale Rider, write an essay in support of this statement.



A common saying in Africa.."He who does not move out of his home imagines that his mother is the only one who makes delicious meals".This saying prohibits one from being short sighted. Rawiri goes to Australia and he is amazed by the various aspects of life.

"I will kill myself,"I spoke to myself deep within.A horror movie could not be compared to how i felt that day on the altar.Unfortunately,I could not change anything about it.Tears trolled melancholic ally as I peered at the padre.If only it was a dream.....

Back in the days when we were young,life was full of joy.I came from a well of family.My father was a Senator and my mother an advocate with the high court.I was the last born child in the family of four.I schooled in exclusive schools .At sixteen ,our minds were ore occupied with love and romance,A bevy of girls graced our corridors and it was hard to make out who to identify with.However as far as I was concerned,money spoke,and the girls would make a bee line for me.

One day I walked into the classroom and on my desk found a pretty card,it was penned off,"Yours in love AMANDA"Amanda was a pretty girl in my class but on comparing her with other girls,it was embarrassing to go out with her.I was oblivious she was watching from a corner,where i tore the card and disposed it.Upon disposal i looked back and saw her peering at me .I brushed it off,sneered at her and told her to take away her dreams.She rushed to the dormitory and cried her heart out but did not disclose what had happened.

We grew up and graduated and got jobs and I was doing quite well.One day,I was walking with my colleagues and I bumped into a lady and all she was carrying fell.I bent being the gentleman and picked her stuff up.I looked at the lady and her beauty was dazzling.She said that she was Kate .Her voice melodious.

After a few weeks we became intimate friends.We kept in touch constantly on phone and we would go out for coffee together.One thing was clear,I was in love with Kate,after three months I proposed and yes it was like a dream come true.We went on with the wedding negotiations.

The big day came.She was resplendent in a white gown which had a sash that flowed flawlessly behind her.I was elated to know to know i was getting married to the woman of my dreams as she walked down the aisle.As we exchanged the vows it dawned to me that she was AMANDA not Kate and she ran away.Truly life is a cycle and it will give you what you deserve.

marto answered the question on September 7, 2017 at 07:32

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