Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. Streamside Exchange........


Streamside exchange

Child: River bird,river bird
Sitting all day long
On hook over grass
River bird,river bird,
Sing to me a song
Of all that pass
And say,
Will mother come back today?

Bird: You cannot know
And should not bother
Tide and market come and go
And so has your mother

a)What is the poem about?(3 marks)
b)Describe the rhyme scheme(1 mark)
c)Which words would you stress on line 2?(3 marks)
d)why is there repetition in the poem(2 marks)
e)Apart from rhyme and repetition,show how else musicality has been achieved(2 marks)
f)Will mother come back today?Rewrite in affirmative(1 mark)
g)Add a question tag:Tide and market come and go,...(1 mark)
h)Which other literary device has been used?(2 marks)



a)Its about a child whose mother has been away for sometime.The song bird tells her that she may not return.



d)For musicality and memorability

e)Use of consonance and alliteration

f)Mother will come back today.

g)don't they?

h)Personification-the bird speaks.
marto answered the question on September 8, 2017 at 05:36

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