Describe 5 factors to be considered while choosing a programming language.


Describe 5 factors to be considered while choosing a programming language.



i) The availability of the relevant translator
ii) Whether the programmer is familiar with the language
iii) Ease of learning and use
iv) Purpose of the program, i.e. application areas such as education, business,
scientific, etc.
v) Execution time: High –level languages are easy to read, understand & develop; hence, they require less development time. Machine code & Assembly languages are relatively difficult to read, understand and develop; hence, they are time-consuming.
vii) Popularity: - the language selected should be suitable and /or successful in the market with respect to the problems to be solved.
viii) Documentation: - It should have accompanying documentation (descriptions on how to use the language or maintain the programs written in the language
ix) Availability of skilled programmers: - The language selected should have a pool of readily available programmers to ease the programming activity, and reduce development time.
Kavungya answered the question on June 6, 2019 at 06:50

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