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It takes the power of the mind to deal successfully with life's challenges.Support this statement with illustrations from the story When the Sun Goes Down,


It takes the power of the mind to deal successfully with life's challenges.Support this statement with illustrations from the story When the Sun Goes Down,



Steve who is Maureen's husband thinks positively.He does not allow the rum ours going around to attack his mind.He is very positive that Maureen is going to survive despite the fact that she has HIV/AIDS

Maureen's former husband gives in to his illness.His mind refuses to fight it."...............he closes his eyes and willed himself to death......"

Steve asks Maureen not to blame herself for anything for if she does that she will lose the spirit to fight the disease....he tells her"never cry when the sun goes down,for if you do,the tears will not let you see the stars".She has to stay positive and focused. Steve asks Maureen to ignore the people like Kanja who stigmatize them.It takes the power of the mind to deal with such people.Steve urges Maureen to count her blessings".......there is hope....."In the end Maureen dies because she loses the will to live.

Positive thinking is a critical tool in life despite the environment you are in.
marto answered the question on September 8, 2017 at 05:56

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