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The following car details are to be entered in a database: Make, Date-of-manufacture, colour, and cost. a) Prepare a suitable database structure showing field names and...


The following car details are to be entered in a database: Make, Date-of-manufacture, colour, and cost.
a) Prepare a suitable database structure showing field names and their field data types
b) Explain how you index the data such that cars of the same make and colour are together.
c) Write a statement that can be used to select cars of colour green.
d) Give an instruction that would:
i) Select cars whose cost is between 500,000/= and 1,000,000/=
ii) Determine the average cost of all cars.



a)Field name Data type
ID (Primary key) Auto Number
Make text
Date of manufacture Date/time
Colour Text
Cost Currency
b)Create a query to show same make and colour
c)Create a query. In the colour field, and in the Criteria row, write “green”
d) i)Create a query. In the cost field, and in the criteria row, write “.>500000
and <1000000”
ii)Create a query. Choose average of costs “Avg” option in the total section.
Kavungya answered the question on June 6, 2019 at 09:06

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