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In the short story 'Hitting Budapest' by Noviolet Bulawayo,show how parental role and responsibility /violation of basic children's rights have been depicted.


In the short story 'Hitting Budapest' by Noviolet Bulawayo,show how parental role and responsibility /violation of basic children's rights have been depicted.



It is the role of every parent to provide their children with basic needs like shelter,food,clothing and education.Besides all these,the parents are supposed to discipline the young ones and protect them from any form of abuse.The parents in paradise seem to have forgotten or have neglected their roles as parents.

When the narrator and her friends sneak to go to Budapest to steal guavas they say getting out was not hard as the woman was pre occupied with making their hair and talking.The men on the other side are are too busy to even lift their eyes from the draughts. This makes it easier fir the children to get away and commit all sorts of atrocities.They start by stealing from Chipo's uncle and when they exhaust the guavas,the move to strangers homes.This deviant behaviour is seen where they have a drawn plan of where they had stolen for the past two weeks and where they will move to next.They have also predicted that one day they will start stealing from people's houses.

They eatthe stolen guavas from Budapest and after that they litter the place and even go ahead to throw them on the road,people's wall and gate.Basta does these without caring.This deviant behaviour is what lands them in the correction centre.

The parents have also neglected the responsibility of clothing and feeding the narrator and her friends.The children leave to go and steal guavas in Budapest because apart from doing it for fun,they are also hungry.The narrator says,".........I would die for guavas or anything for that matter.My stomach feels like somebody just shook a shovel and dug everything out."

The children have no food at home.The narrator says ,"By the time we get back to paradise the guavas are finished and our stomachs are so full we are almost crawling.We will just drink water for the night,listen to the mother of bones to tell us story and go to sleep."

They also have been denied their rights to good clothing. Godknow's short is torn at the back and his back is peeping coupled with the fact that the clothes are dirty. Basta too wears a black suit bottom and a faded orange T-shirt that he never seems to take off.

Parents have also denied their children's rights to education. Chipo dropped out of school while her friends do nmot go to school as well.
marto answered the question on September 8, 2017 at 07:10

Next: Give the synopsis of Hitting Budapest by Noviolet Bulawayo in Memories We Lost.
Previous: Give the synopsis of Missing out by Leila Aboulela in Memories we lost.

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