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Briefly explain any six positive impacts of the modern means of information


Briefly explain any six positive impacts of the modern means of information



Education and research: modern means of communication both telecommunication and print media have also served as a medium for public education. For example, education by radio, television and internet is used by many countries
Entertainment: telecommunication media provides mass entertainment. They play an important role in the development of popular arts
Space exploration: development of telecommunication services have enhanced the exploration of outer space through the use of satellite technology. This has improved our understanding of the universe
Improvement in air and water transport: modern telecommunication services have promoted air and water transport. For example, ships in the sea and planes in the air are constantly monitored through telecommunication industry
Improvement in trade: trade has greatly improved as business transactions and advertisements have been faster and more efficient. There is a new concept of e-commerce
Creation of employment: modern means of communication are a source of employment to many people

Dana05 answered the question on June 6, 2019 at 10:55

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