Rise in global crime: the ease of communication has facilitated international crimes such as drug trafficking, terrorism, fraud among others
Erosion of moral values: modern forms of communication have disseminated pornographic materials. This has undermined the cultural and social events of the society
Promoting addictive tendencies: some communication forms such as computer, radio and television have addictive tendencies. Some users will spend long hours watching television, surfing the internet or play computer games at the expense of other essential duties
Exposure to radioactive rays: mobile phones, computers and other telecommunication gadgets may expose users to harmful radioactive rays which are health hazards
Noise pollution: high and loud volume by radio and television cause noise pollution
Warfare: telecommunication services have been used greatly to improve weaponry and conduct warfare. This has made war to become more destructive than ever
Cultural imperialism: the modern telecommunications industry is controlled by few rich countries. These are able to dominate and impose their cultural values on the rest of the world
Dana05 answered the question on June 6, 2019 at 10:57
- Briefly explain any six positive impacts of the modern means of information (Solved)
Briefly explain any six positive impacts of the modern means of information
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)
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Define the term print media and list any four types of print media used as a modern means of communication
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Identify any five modern means of communication
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Give the advantages of television as a modern form of communication
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Identify any three types of written messages used as a traditional form of communication
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- Highlight the disadvantages of written messages as a form of communication (Solved)
Highlight the disadvantages of written messages as a form of communication
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- Name any four traditional forms of communication (Solved)
Name any four traditional forms of communication
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of screams and cries as a traditional form of communication (Solved)
Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of screams and cries as a traditional form of communication
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Examine the disadvantages of horn blowing as a traditional form of communication
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Highlight the disadvantages of messengers as a traditional form of communication
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State the disadvantages of drum beats as a traditional form of communication
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State the advantages of fire and smoke signals as a form of communication
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Distinguish between communication and telecommunication
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give the negative effects of the modern means of transport (Solved)
Give the negative effects of the modern means of transport
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give the positive political impacts of modern means of transport(Solved)
Give the positive political impacts of modern means of transport
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the positive economic impacts of modern means of transport (Solved)
Highlight the positive economic impacts of modern means of transport
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Examine the positive social impacts of modern means of transport
Examine the positive social impacts of modern means of transport
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the disadvantages of space exploration(Solved)
Highlight the disadvantages of space exploration
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give the advantages of space exploration (Solved)
Give the advantages of space exploration
Date posted: June 6, 2019. Answers (1)