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Give the synopsis of Missing out by Leila Aboulela in Memories we lost.


Give the synopsis of Missing out by Leila Aboulela in Memories we lost.



The major character is Majdy and his wife Samra. Majdy is a muslim man who pursues his education in London.In the course of his education,he abandons his cultural and religious beliefs for western culture.He writes letter home saying he will not make it. Majdy's mother does not side with her son when he says that school work is becoming difficult.His mother encourages him to work hard.He knows her son is brilliant according to his previous performance.She think this may be caused by loneliness her son is going through in a foreign country.She looks for a wife for his son.This is how his son marries Samra. They move together in London.

Samra was born and spent most of her time in Sudan.She appreciates her culture and religious belief embodied by her community.She looks forward to spending the rest of her life with her kin and settling down with Majdy,her husband in Sudan. Samra is amazed by the western culture and perplexed by her ways.She is keen to be a good wife as dictated by their culture,submissive to her husband,and practices religion despite the lack of interest from her husband.

Conflict develops in the story when Samra feels alienated in the western culture and her attempts to sway her husband to reconnect with his culture is an effort in futility. Majdy feels intolerant to Samra's constant nagging to reconnect with his backward culture. Majdy feels that Samra is missing out on an opportunity to be civilized and leaves more fruitful life abroad. Samra feels that Majdy is missing out on the simple pleasures of life among his kin.

Samra therefore leaves for Omdurman in Sudan.It dawns on Majdy after she left that he may have been left out.

raphael answered the question on September 8, 2017 at 08:22

Next: In the short story 'Hitting Budapest' by Noviolet Bulawayo,show how parental role and responsibility /violation of basic children's rights have been depicted.
Previous: Show how the theme of Education has been depicted by Leila Aboulela in the short story missing out in Memories we lost.

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