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Highlight any six uses of copper


Highlight any six uses of copper



Smelted copper was hammered into sheets. These were used in the production of pipes of various sizes and uses. The craftsmen made masks and other products form sheets
Smelted copper was used in the manufacturing of household items such as vases, mirrors and pots for use in homes
Smelted copper was used in the making of tools such as axes, chisels, pins and other items for use at home.
Weapons of war such as arrow heads, spear heads, daggers, and swords among others were made using smelted copper
Beautiful ornaments were also made of copper such as bangles, rings, beads, anklets and bracelets
Copper was mixed with other metals to produce stronger alloys. The earliest alloy was copper was brass followed by bronze

Dana05 answered the question on June 6, 2019 at 11:16

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