Brightest students leave their country and migrate to other countries for studies and jobs. Majdy, one of the brightest students in Sudan,leaves Sudan to go abroad to further his studies and he eventually decides that he will reside there.This change of altitude towards Africa has been influenced by his stay in London.
He detests Khartoum because professional are paid poorly back in Sudan;they cannot afford to buy a house or even a flat,the electricity is constantly on and off,queuing for petrol for long before getting served,people waste time gossiping,the intellectuals like the lecturers spend their time talking about politics,promotion of lecturers is not done on the basis of the research that one has done but on their political affiliations ,poor drainage that lead to mosquitoes breeding and hence malaria and the workers are mostly striking for better pay.He does not see anything good about Sudan.Even the independence that they fought so hard to attain he believes was given to them when the British gave up on them because of their backwardness.There is also war and famine in Sudan.
He considers London to be better than Sudan;it is a place of opportunities,women are free to wear every kind of clothes they feel like even those that would be considered unacceptable back in Sudan. He also considers London civilized. Everything in London seems perfect even their medicine come in different flavors that you wished to be sick.People in London never waste their time on gossip and they make every hour count.Things like religion and compulsory prayers do not matter to them.They are busy doing other important things.
marto answered the question on September 8, 2017 at 12:16
- Show how Leila Aboulela in Missing out (Memories we lost) has used the theme of Religion.(Solved)
Show how Leila Aboulela in Missing out (Memories we lost) has used the theme of Religion.
Date posted: September 8, 2017. Answers (1)
- Show how the theme of Education has been depicted by Leila Aboulela in the short story missing out in Memories we lost.(Solved)
Show how the theme of Education has been depicted by Leila Aboulela in the short story missing out in Memories we lost.
Date posted: September 8, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give the synopsis of Missing out by Leila Aboulela in Memories we lost.(Solved)
Give the synopsis of Missing out by Leila Aboulela in Memories we lost.
Date posted: September 8, 2017. Answers (1)
- In the short story 'Hitting Budapest' by Noviolet Bulawayo,show how parental role and responsibility /violation of basic children's rights have been depicted.(Solved)
In the short story 'Hitting Budapest' by Noviolet Bulawayo,show how parental role and responsibility /violation of basic children's rights have been depicted.
Date posted: September 8, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give the synopsis of Hitting Budapest by Noviolet Bulawayo in Memories We Lost.(Solved)
Give the synopsis of Hitting Budapest by Noviolet Bulawayo in Memories We Lost.
Date posted: September 8, 2017. Answers (1)
- It takes the power of the mind to deal successfully with life's challenges.Support this statement with illustrations from the story When the Sun Goes Down,(Solved)
It takes the power of the mind to deal successfully with life's challenges.Support this statement with illustrations from the story When the Sun Goes Down,
Date posted: September 8, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Although we are most secure at home ,visiting other countries deepens our understanding of the world." Referring closely to the story of Rawiri-Witi Ihimaera,The Whale Rider, write an essay in support of this statement.(Solved)
"Although we are most secure at home ,visiting other countries deepens our understanding of the world."
Referring closely to the story of Rawiri-Witi Ihimaera,The Whale Rider, write an essay in support of this statement.
Date posted: September 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay on the role of tradition giving illustrations from Ihimaera's The Whale Rider(Solved)
Write an essay on the role of tradition giving illustrations from Ihimaera's The Whale Rider
Date posted: July 5, 2017. Answers (1)
- Some people in the society seem to have adopted a lonely,unhappy life.How is that brought out in the story,The Mirror in When the sun goes down and other stories .(Solved)
Some people in the society seem to have adopted a lonely,unhappy life.How is that brought out in the story,The Mirror in When the sun goes down and other stories .
Date posted: July 5, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay on the use of tradition in The Whale Rider.(Solved)
Write an essay on the use of tradition in The Whale Rider.
Date posted: July 5, 2017. Answers (1)
- However progressive may seem,we are never very far away from our traditions.Drawing illustrations from Betrayal in the city,write a composition to validate this statement.(Solved)
However progressive may seem,we are never very far away from our traditions.Drawing illustrations from Betrayal in the city,write a composition to validate this statement.
Date posted: July 5, 2017. Answers (1)
- Bretch uses a number of key symbols that define the message of the play. Write a composition highlighting and discussing these symbols .(Solved)
Bretch uses a number of key symbols that define the message of the play. Write a composition highlighting and discussing these symbols.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Leaders of dictatorial regimes are characterized by weakness of character and are inept.Drawing illustrations from Boss's behavior,write a composition to explain this statement.(Solved)
Leaders of dictatorial regimes are characterized by weakness of character and are inept.Drawing illustrations from Boss's behavior,write a composition to explain this statement.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- 'It is a changing world.' is a repeated phrase in The River and the Source.Using illustrations from the novel,show how the world is changing.(Solved)
'It is a changing world.' is a repeated phrase in The River and the Source.Using illustrations from the novel,show how the world is changing.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- The definition of justice is determined by the needs of life.Show the truth of this statement making reference to the way Adzak makes a mockery of justice.(Solved)
The definition of justice is determined by the needs of life. Show the truth of this statement making reference to the way Adzak makes a mockery of justice.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Jusper is a victim of circumstance.Drawing illustrations from Betrayal in the City,explore the validity of this assertion.(Solved)
Jusper is a victim of circumstance.Drawing illustrations from Betrayal in the City,explore the validity of this assertion.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Despite the grief, loneliness and judgement the woman in the story faces, she carries herself with pride and dignity. Support this statement with statement with illustrations from they story,Tuesday Siesta(Solved)
Despite the grief,loneliness and judgement the woman in the story faces,she carries herself with pride and dignity. Support this statement with statement with illustrations from they story,Tuesday Siesta.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Everyone gets what they deserve. With illustrations from Bertolt Bretch's The Caucasian Chalk Circle, show the truth of this statement(Solved)
Everyone gets what they deserve.With illustrations from Bertolt Bretch's The Caucasian Chalk Circle,show the truth of this statement.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- A society that lives under a dictatorial government is beset by a lot of fear. Write a composition,explaining how fears affects the people of Kafira.(Solved)
A society that lives under a dictatorial government is beset by a lot of fear. Write a composition,explaining how fears affects the people of Kafira.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay on sibling rivalry giving illustrations from The River and the Source(Solved)
Write an essay on sibling rivalry giving illustrations from The River and the Source.
Date posted: July 4, 2017. Answers (1)