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Show the relevance of Leila Abouleila's title 'Missing out' in Memories We Lost.


Show the relevance of Leila Abouleila's title 'Missing out' in Memories We Lost.



When Majdy goes to London for further studies,we learn that he gets used to the culture there until he writes home that he cannot make it to go back home,thus missing out.His mother finds him a suitable wife so that he does not feel lonely and fail to perform in his studies.

When Majdy marries Samra,she finds out that he no longer prays and observes the culture they used to in Khartoum,She finds him completely missing out in their cultural beliefs,despite her kin nature of being a good wife and praying five times a day as dictated by their culture.When he asks him to pray,he tells her to stop nagging and finds her missing out in westernization and the opportunity to be colonized.

Samra takes a leave and goes back to Khartoum and it is this particular time that Majdy finds her missing out.It now dawns to him that he might been left out thus the title missing out.
marto answered the question on September 8, 2017 at 12:27

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