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Give three differences between soil formed in situ and depositions.


Give three differences between soil formed in situ and depositions.



-Soil formed in situ is that which is in the same place / area it was formed where as
Soil deposition is that which is deposited elsewhere from original site / area. The two vary in a number of ways
Soil formed in situ has the colour of the parent rock while that formed by deposition has the characteristics of where it came from
Soil formed in situ are shallower than those formed by deposition
Soil formed in situ are less richer in nutrients than deposited soil
Because of being shallow, soil formed in situ are easily eroded as compared to those by deposition.
Deposited soils are more silty as opposed to soil formed in situ.
Soil formed in situ have the same chemical composition as that of the underlying parent rock, while soils formed by deposition may differ in chemical properties from underlying parent rock.
Kavungya answered the question on June 10, 2019 at 06:24

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