the two and the only approaches of teaching environmental education are:
1. inter-disciplinary approach and
2. multi-disciplinary approach
>interdisciplinary approach
- Here, related units are gathered from several subjects such as earth science,mathematics,human science and many more, to come up with a single unit subject called environmental; studies.
the merits of this approach in promoting positive attitudes and behaviors of learners towards the environment includes:
i) The learner is able to learn the environmental subject as a unit hence able to collectively gather all the necessary skills and love for the environment.
ii) Since the subject is examinable in the level it is being taught, it will then attract learners attention to studying it hence, perform its function of imparting positive attitude and behaviors towards the environment in the process.
iii) it also allows for a chance of a learner taking environmental studies as his/her main subject of interest hence continue nurturing and improve his love and passion for the environment.
iv) As a unit subject,it also allows for research to be done on the subject easily and more direct, this gives a chance for research reports that are positive towards improving the attitudes and behaviors towards the environment.
>multidisciplinary approach.
In this approach, the main unit subject of environmental studies is distributed to several related subject areas such as mathematics, earth science, human science,and many more, where the units are taught as topics.
by this, we get the interrelation between the different subjects.
the merits it poses towards improving learners positive attitude and behaviors towards the environment are:
i) All learners, despite their different learning areas must meet something on environmental studies. in this way,since they love their areas of studies, they will also try to embrace the skills taught on the topic extracted from environmental studies, hence improve their attitude and interest towards the environment.
ii) A learner who had no any information about environmental education may find new interest in the unit as he/she goes through the topics captured from environmental studies thus aid aspiring and even going forward and studying environmental studies as a subject.
iii) Also, and most importantly, all fields of studies will get a token of environmental skills that will be helpful in designing ways in which they will use and implement resources in a way that is environmental friendly. Also,in development of projects, every learner, despite their learning units, must have knowledge on sustainable development and environmental management which will in a great way improve the learners love, attitude and interests in the environment.
Eng melau answered the question on August 19, 2019 at 14:32
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