You are the secretary of a committee that is planning for a fundraiser for the construction of science laboratory. During the meeting two members are...


You are the secretary of a committee that is planning for a fundraiser for the construction of science laboratory. During the meeting two members are absent and nobody knows where they are. The meeting is also attended by the class teacher and a parent’s representative. The following issues are discussed in the meeting. Guest of honour , ways of raising funds and the students participation.
Write the minutes of the meeting.



Must be minutes of class meeting. If not deduct 2 mks A

(i) Format

Attendance – Present
- Absent
- In attendance
Reading and confirmation of previous minutes
Business of the day
- Guest of Honour
- Ways of raising funds
- Student participation

Adjournment/closing Total = 8 mks

(ii) Content/body
Candidates must capture clearly the three items agenda for the day. Award 2 marks for each individual item of the agenda. 2 x 3 = 6 mks

(iii) Language 4. Excellent
3. Good
2. Average
1. Poor 4 mks
(iv) Tone – Formal = 2 mks
marto answered the question on June 11, 2019 at 06:35

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