Make hay while the sun shines. OR b) Write a story ending with: '….. it was then that I realized that I had ruined my life by making...


Make hay while the sun shines.
b) Write a story ending with:

'….. it was then that I realized that I had ruined my life by making a wrong decision'



a) Must be a story, if not deduct 4 mks. AD
Must be illustrative of the saying and present a scenario where a character takes advantage of an opportunity and succeeds and they’re positively acknowledging the wisdom of the saying; or one who fails to take advantage of an opportunity-now appreciating the saying from point of regret.
If merely a philosophical approach deduct up to 4mks.

b) Must be a story, if not deduct 4 marks AD.
Must end with the given sentence.
If not deduct 2 marks AD.
Must be a personal account where one makes a wrong decision and ends up ruining his/her life.
marto answered the question on June 11, 2019 at 07:37

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