Parental guidance is crucial in determing one’s destiny. Those who heed some good and wise advice from parents or guardians end up successful in life while those who defy wise counsel end up suffering. This is evident in the novel. The River and the source by Margaret Ogola where various characters’ destiny is determined by their response to the guidance by receive.
Accept any other relevant introduction.
i) Obura’s defiance
- Obura defies his parents guidance in his quest to see the world and the whiteman which leads to his death.Obura learns of Jorochere, the white people, their magic. He becomes curious to travel and see them. Nyaroche and Ambere informs Obura that the whitemen have pesa, money currency, that can buy anything and have powerful medicine for any fever.
- Akoko guides him to consider marrying because Obura is the chief son and therefore has the duty to marry and provide grandchildren for her pg 51.
- When chief Owour learns about Obura’s curiosity, he advises him to think of getting married to have children first before going out to see the world.
- However, Obura defies the advice of his parents by running away with Ambere and Nyaroche pg 55-56. He is recruited in war between Germans and British and gets killed in the war pg 61. Obura’s fate, thus is because of being rebellious to his parents’ guidance.
ii) Becky’s rebellious nature
- Becky is another character who defies parental guidance leading to her death from HIV/AIDS pg 211.
- After O’ level, Becky refuses to go back to school to study for advanced level certificate; she instead wanted to become an air-hostess. Her father Mark, refuses to her go because he feared for male predators upon her. Mark instead advises Becky to continue with A level.
- Becky does not work hard at this level and she gets one weak principle in literature and flinked in the rest of the subject. Becky pays attention to the results as would have been expected.
- Becky instead rebels and goes to stay with her friends in Nairobi to become air-hostess.
- She achieves her dream but becomes so promiscuous and materialistic that she breaks up with Johnny Courtney, the father and eventually dies of HIV/AIDS
iii) Awiti’s obedience and determination.
- Awiti succeeds in life due to guidance she received from her mother Nyabera and her grandmother Akoko.
- Nyabera introduces Awiti and Owour to Christianity at Alour missin centre pg 115-116. They learn catechism and reading.
- Awiti develops her grandmother’s steady determination which was not surprising because her grandmother was her confident and mentor pg 130.
- This determination makes Awiti do well in subjects she dialiked maths and eventually posses the highest performance, “Sweet sense of victory' she is the best of the five students who passed pg 130.
- Awiti invited to a newly opened Teachers Training college and becomes a teacher. Awiti marries Mark sign and together raise a wonderful family.
iv) Owour’s obedience
- Peter Owour Kembo excels in his parenthood due to the guidance he receives from Akoko and Nyabera. Peter says Akoko was both father and mother to him pg 153 and gave her life for them.
- Nyabera introduces him to Christianity. He enrolled in catechism and reading classes at Alour mission. Pg 115-116
Akoko supports him when he develops interest in priesthood because Akoko was aware that the world was changing.
- In the seminary, things were particularly tough, but he was determined. Tis was because he had learned from his grandmother Akoko that a job once begun had to be completed pg127
- Owour was no quitter. He believed one day will be father Peter than a bishop and he comes to achieve this pg 127.
- Peter Owour who had never known his father had Akoko as his mother and father pg 127 and emulated her traits especially determination which leads to his success in priest hood.
v) Aoro learns the hard way.
- Aoro, Elizabeth Awiti’s son, succeeds in life due to the parental guidance he receives.Mark Sigu and Elizabeth value education and provides this to their children.
- At one time Aoro becomes indiscipline at school. He is suspended from school for infringement of a few rules and ruffling the head boy’s teachers.
- Mark never gave him a chance to explain. He ordered Aoro to look for work immediately and accomadation in a month. Tis made Aoro to be disciplined in school and he performs exemplaery well to join university. Aoro says to Wandra that he liked medicine and would be a surgeon.
- Aoro appreciates that this would never have been possible if his father hadn’t been so tough on him pg 267.This shows that parental guidance is key in shaping one’s destiny.
- Pg 268 Wandia says Aoro has utmost respect for Mark, his father, and tries to emulate him in most thing: and Wandia feels she is lucky to have him; he is interesting to live with.
- Wandia also notes that Aoro tries to take unexplored path to good husband and fatherhood without noticing he is emulating his father Sigu. (pg 268)
vi) Nyabera’s obedience
- Nyabera overcomes suffering and pain as a result of discriminative customary practices when she needs her mother’s guidance and later joins Christianity.
- After the demise of her two sons, Akoko visits Nyabera and guides her on how to overcome suffering without becoming a bitter person.
- Pg 74-75 cry, my child, for one does not bury a child without burying a part of one’s soul with it….yesterday is not today and today is not tomorrow……weep my child…..into a snake that devours you from inside’
- When Nyabera is prejudicial about the white people and implores her not to make the journey to Kisumu.Akoko
corrsts her saying tha a daughter of hers should not sound so foolish pg77 she reminds Nyabera to be the woman she brought her up to be suffering not withstanding’. I know you have suffered, but suffering is the lot of many.To suffer is not a curse unless you have earned it…..But to have a child is one thing, to bring it up to be human fit to live with others is soethingelse altogether’ pg 77-78
-Nyabera listens to her mother and realises that suffering is part of life. She doesn’t need to worry about Akoko or young Owour’s safety.
- Nyabera looks up Pilipo and gets direction to the ission and makes her epic journey to Alour to seek solace.(pg 101-104)
- Nyabera’s offspring excel in education.Awiti becomes a teacher, pg 130 her grandchildren like Aoro becomes a doctor pg 267
It is important for one to heed parental advice as seen above OR
Many characters in the novel succed because they appreciate the guidance they received while a few suffer when they rebel against it.
marto answered the question on June 11, 2019 at 07:41
- The Novel : The Whale rider – Witi Ihimaera
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'Kahu’s great love for her great grandfather is not reciprocated. Write...(Solved)
The Novel : The Whale rider – Witi Ihimaera
Write an essay to support the statement:
'Kahu’s great love for her great grandfather is not reciprocated. Write an essay to show the validity of this statement.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Drama : Betrayal in the city –Francis Imbuga.
Impunity is the order of the day in most African states. Drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s
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Drama : Betrayal in the city –Francis Imbuga.
Impunity is the order of the day in most African states. Drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s
Betrayal in the city, write an essay in support of this statement
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
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Citing clear illustrations from the story Tuesday Siesta by Gabrielle, Garcia Marques, Show how desperation is portrayed.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- The River and the Source by Margaret Ogola.
'The River and the source gives credit to women' Write a composition in response to this statement.(Solved)
The River and the Source by Margaret Ogola.
'The River and the source gives credit to women' Write a composition in response to this statement.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Francis Imbuga: Betrayal in the City.
'Many countries in Africa are burdened with bad governance'. Justify this statement using illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the...(Solved)
Francis Imbuga: Betrayal in the City.
'Many countries in Africa are burdened with bad governance'. Justify this statement using illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- The short story: Longhorn (.D.) When the Sun Goes Down and other Stories.
'The past comes back to hound the present” write an essay supporting this...(Solved)
The short story: Longhorn (.D.) When the Sun Goes Down and other Stories.
'The past comes back to hound the present' write an essay supporting this statement drawing illustration from the story ‘The Guilt ‘ by Rayda Jacobs.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- The novel
Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider
'Koro Apirana is the bridge between the past and the future life of the Maori people.' Using Ihimaera’s the...(Solved)
The novel
Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider
'Koro Apirana is the bridge between the past and the future life of the Maori people.' Using Ihimaera’s the Whale Rider, discuss
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Francis Imbuga; Betrayal in the city
'In a dictatorial regime, both the ruler and the ruled suffer.' With close reference to the events in the play,...(Solved)
Francis Imbuga; Betrayal in the city
'In a dictatorial regime, both the ruler and the ruled suffer.' With close reference to the events in the play, justify this statement.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- The compulsory set text : The river and the source
'With determination and commitment, women can attain greatness.' With close reference to the novel justify this...(Solved)
The compulsory set text : The river and the source
'With determination and commitment, women can attain greatness.' With close reference to the novel justify this statement
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Witi ihimaera, The Whale Rider
'Women are as important as men when it comes to decision-making and leadership.' Drawing illustrations from Witi Ihimaera’s novel, ‘The Whale...(Solved)
Witi ihimaera, The Whale Rider
'Women are as important as men when it comes to decision-making and leadership.' Drawing illustrations from Witi Ihimaera’s novel, ‘The Whale Rider’, write an essay in support of this statement.'
Date posted: June 10, 2019. Answers (1)
- Longhorn (Ed): When The Sun Goes Down and other stories from Africa and Beyond
Sandisile Tshuma highlights very serious issues that not only affect Zimbambwe but...(Solved)
Longhorn (Ed): When The Sun Goes Down and other stories from Africa and Beyond
Sandisile Tshuma highlights very serious issues that not only affect Zimbambwe but also Africa as a continent. Drawing illustrations from Tshuma’s story, 'Arrested Development,' Write a composition supporting this statement.
Date posted: June 10, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the extract below then answer the questions that below.(Solved)
Read the extract below then answer the questions that below.
FIRST LAWYER (bowing):Thank you, your honour. High court of Justice, of all ties of blood are strongest.
Mother and child - is there any intimate relationship? Can one conceived it in the holy ecstasies of love. She has carried it in her womb. She has fed it with her blood. She has borne it with pain. High court of Justice, it has been observed that the wild tigress, robbed of her young, roams restless through the mountains, shrunk to a shadow. Nature herself..........................................
AZDAK (interrupting, to GRUSHA) : What’s your answer to all this and anything else the lawyer might have to say?
GRUSHA: He’s mine.
AZDAK : Is that all? I hope you can prove it. Why should I sign the child to you in any case?
GRUSHA: I brought him up like the priest says “according to my best knowledge and
conscience.' I always found him something to eat. Most of the time he had a roof over his head. And I went to such trouble for him. I had expenses too. I didn’t look
out for my own comfort. I brought the child up to be friendly with everyone, and from the beginning taught him to work. As well as he could, that is. He’s still very little.
FIRST LAWYER: Your Honor, it is significant that the girl herself doesn’t claim any tie of blood
between her and the child.
AZDAK: The court takes note of that.
FIRST LAWYER: Thank you, your HONOUR. And now permit a woman bowed in sorrow __ who has already lost her husband and now has also to fear the loss of her child ___ to adress a
few words to you. The gracious Natella Abashwili is .............
GOVERNOR’S WIFE (quietly) : A most cruel fate, sir, forces me to describe to you the tortures of
bereaved mother’s soul, the anxiety, the sleepless nights the ..........
SECOND LAWYER (bursting out): It’s outrageous the way this woman is being treated! Her husband’s palace is cold -bloodely told that it’s tied to the heir. She can’t do a thing without a
child. She can’t even pay her lawyers!! (To the FIRST LAWYER, who, desperate
about this outburst, makes frantic gestures to keep him from speaking) Dear
Illo Shuboladze, surely it can be divulged now that Abashwili estates are at stake?
FIRST LAWYER: Please, Honored Sandro Oboladze! We agreed............. (TO AZDAK) Of course it is correct that the trial will also decide if our noble client can take over the Abashwilli
estates, which are rather extensive. I say “also” advisely, for in the foreground stands
as human tragedy of a mother, as Natella Abashwili very properly explained in the first words of her moving statement. Even if Michael Abashwili were not heir to their estates, he would still be the dearly beloved child of my client.
AZDAK: Stop! The court is touched by the mention of estates. It’s a proof of human feeling.
SECOND LAWYER: Thanks, Your Honor. Dear Illo Shuboladze, we can prove in any case that the woman took the child is not the child’s mother. Permit me to lay before the Court the
bare facts. High Court of Justice, by an unfortunate chain of circumstances, Michael
Abashwili was left behind on that Easter Sunday while his mother was making her
escape. Grusha, a place kitchen maid, was seen with the baby............
COOK: All her mistress was thinking of was what dresses she’d take along
(a) Explain what happens shortly before and after the extract.
(b) In not more than thirty (30) words, summarize the points in the argument that the first lawyer gives in favour of Natella Abshwili.
(c) Explain any two character traits of each of the following characters
(i) Natela Abashwili
(ii) Grusha
(d) Identify and illustrate one theme in the extract and show how it is brought out elsewhere in the play
(e) Explain the relevance of the following stylistics devices as used in the extract
(i) Ellipsis
(ii) Rhetorical questions
(f) (i) ‘I always found him something to eat.” Rewrite, adding a question tag
(ii) Azdak: Is that all? I hope you can prove it. Rewrite in indirecct speech.
(g) Explain the meaning of
‘..................... it has been observed that the wild tigress, robbed of her young....................
(h) Give two possible meanings of the word ‘Permit
Date posted: June 10, 2019. Answers (1)
- The Whale Rider. by Witi Ihimaera.
'Kahu has special abilities and powers beyond those of an ordinary human beings.'
Explain this statement using illustrations form 'The Whale...(Solved)
The Whale Rider. by Witi Ihimaera.
'Kahu has special abilities and powers beyond those of an ordinary human beings.'
Explain this statement using illustrations form 'The Whale Rider' by Witi Ihimaera.
Date posted: June 10, 2019. Answers (1)
- The Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga.
'Many African leaders are dictatorial to cover up for their inadequacies.'(Solved)
The Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga.
'Many African leaders are dictatorial to cover up for their inadequacies.'
Date posted: June 10, 2019. Answers (1)
- The short Story: When the Sun Goes Down and Other Stories by Emilia and Weveney Olembo (Ed)
'Many African States are facing many challenges that hinder...(Solved)
The short Story: When the Sun Goes Down and Other Stories by Emilia and Weveney Olembo (Ed)
'Many African States are facing many challenges that hinder development'. With illustrations from the story
Arrested Development by Sandisile Tsuma, show the truth in this statement.
Date posted: June 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
SINGER: So many words are said, so many left unsaid.
The soldier has come Where he comes from, he does not say.
Hear what he thought and did not say:
“The battle began, gray at dawn, grew bloody at noon.
The first man fell in front of me, the second behind me, the third at my side.
I trod on the first, left the second behind, the third was run through by the captain.
One of my brothers died by steel, the other by smoke.
My neck caught fire, my hands froze in my gloves, my toes in my socks.
I fed on aspen buds, I drank maple juice, I slept on stone, in water.”
SIMON: I see a cap in the grass. Is there a little one already?
GRUSHA: There is, Simon. There’s no keeping that from you. But please don’t worry, it is not mine.
SIMON: When the wind once starts to blow, they say, it blows through every cranny. The wife need
to say no more. (GRUSHA looks into her lap and is silent)
SINGER: There was yearning but her was not waiting.
The oath is broken. Neither could you why.
Hear what she thought but did not say:
“While you fought in the battle, soldier,
The bloody battle, the bitter battle
I found a helpless infant
I had not the heart to destroy him
I had to care for a creature that was lost
I had to stoop for breadcrumbs on the floor
I had to break myself for that which was not mine
That which was other people’s
Someone must help!
For the little tree needs water
The lamb loses its way when the shepherd is asleep
And its cry is unheard!'
SIMON: Give me back the cross I gave you. Better still, throw it in the stream. (He turns to go.)
GRUSHA: (getting up) Simon Shashava, don’t go away! He isn’t mine! He isn’t mine! (She hears the
children calling.) What’s the matter, children?
1. Place the extract in its immediate context.
2. With illustrations from the extract make notes on experiences during the war expounded in the extract.
3. 'But please don’t worry it is not mine,' Who is it in the statement and explain why Grusha says it is not hers?
4. Explain the mood of the extract.
5. How are Grusha and Simon potrayed in the extract?
6. What is the role of the Singer in this extract?
7. Identify and illustrate one theme from extract.
8. Grusha tells Simon Shashava, “Don’t go away! He isn’t mine! He isn’t mine!” From elsewhere in
the play, quote the instances where she states the opposite.
Date posted: June 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Racism is a monster in the society.' Citing examples from 'The Guilt'
by Ryda Jacob, justify the above statement.(Solved)
'Racism is a monster in the society.' Citing examples from 'The Guilt'
by Ryda Jacob, justify the above statement.
Date posted: June 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- The River and The Source by M. Ogolla
Akoko is at the center of the change process in the society of The River and The...(Solved)
The River and The Source by M. Ogolla.
Akoko is at the center of the change process in the society of The River and The Source, by Margaret Ogolla. Write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement
Date posted: June 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider.
'Women and girl characters are portrayed as having admirable qualities.'How true is this assertion? Draw your
illustrations from the novel. The Whale...(Solved)
Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider.
'Women and girl characters are portrayed as having admirable qualities.' How true is this assertion? Draw your
illustrations from the novel. The Whale Rider.
Date posted: June 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Drama
Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City.
'The outside of one cell may as well be the inside of another.'
Discuss the relevance of the above statement basing...(Solved)
Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City.
'The outside of one cell may as well be the inside of another.'
Discuss the relevance of the above statement basing your answer from Franchis Imbuga’s, Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: June 7, 2019. Answers (1)