1. a) It’s loss of intergenerational” use (1mk) which means there are no old people, middle-aged people and young
people using it/the language is only alive among the older generation.
b) Parents speak to their children in English or Kiswahili at home thus denying them the only opportunity
available to learn their indigenous language.
c) Personification – walk towards death – means languages are gradually becoming extinct.
d) Increased social mobility
Inter-ethnic marriages
Formal education
e) Relatives whose only language is the indigenous languages are absent.
- The child finds that English and Kiswahili are sufficient communication tools hence do not need to learn the
indigenous language.
f) The domestic help speaks a different language from that of the employer hence are instructed to speak to the children either in English or Kiswahili. This affects/hinders the acquisition of the indigenous language.
g) Has interfered with the natural environment for the acquisition of indigenous language.
- Most mothers are career women who rely on domestic helps who do not speak their indigenous languages.
h) Checked – controlled stopped from getting worse/going on.
ii) Patriarchal family structure – a family set up controlled by the man giving power and importance to the ma
marto answered the question on June 11, 2019 at 08:09
- Read the following conversation between Paul and the principal and then answer the question that
Read the following conversation between Paul and the principal and then answer the question that
Principal: Welcome Paul, please have a seat.
Paul: (After sitting down) Sir, why did you call me?
Principal: I would like us to have a chat about ………..
Paul: I have not done anything wrong; you can even ask Elijah, the class prefect I was with him the
whole day yesterday.
Principal: Actually the reason why I called you is because……
Paul Speaker louder, I can’t hear you.
Principal: (In a louder voice). The reason why I sent for you is because I have just received news
from …………….
Paul: (shouting!) David! I knew that fool could not be trusted with a secret. Okay, it’s true that
Elijah and I sneaked out of school yesterday but we were hungry, really hungry. All we did was buy a loaf of bread and then sneaked back to school.
Principal: Paul, I wish you could listen to me. The reason I called you here is because I have received
news that you have won an award in the creating writing contest that you entered last year. I have a cheque here for you; however, you have raised a matter that I would like to attend to without further delay. Please go and call Elijah. By the time you get back I will have decided on the best punishment for you two.
Focus on English book 4.
i) How does Paul demonstrate lack of etiquette in his speech.
ii) What should Paul do to improve his listening skills
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
As a student who does well in Science and Maths, I always wonder why English is taught as a _______________ (1) subject in high school. We were taught spelling and punctuation from Primary school. But this fizzles out once we ______________ (2) to high school. Now, I can understand the teaching of English if it involved things such as ________________ (3) to write a thesis paper or how to write a proposal. But we are taught to analyse _____________(4) and what they mean to us. We are made to ____________ (5) lengthy essays on a weekly basis explaining things such as “How women have played a significant role in the development of their society,” and we have to include examples and quotes from different texts. The _________________ (6) work is then marked according to how well they _______________ (7) and are generally not marked _________________ (8) because of things such as ____________(9) and punctuation. I believe that what we learn in primary school should be a ________________ (10) of what to expect in secondary school.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- George does not smoke. He does not drink. (Join the sentences using: Neither……nor…..)(Solved)
George does not smoke. He does not drink. (Join the sentences using: Neither……nor…..)
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Punctuate the following sentence. How many times have I warned you not to dirty your clothes mother asked my little brother...(Solved)
punctuate the following sentence.
How many times have I warned you not to dirty your clothes mother asked my little brother.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the appropriate pronoun to fill the blank spaces. Do not use the pronoun 'you'(Solved)
Use the appropriate pronoun to fill the blank spaces. Do not use the pronoun 'you'
i) Peter and ………… won our matches.
ii) I wish I were …………
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences filling the blank spaces with the correct complex preposition(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences filling the blank spaces with the correct complex preposition.
i) People need to learn basic first aid so that …………..an accidentally they can be of assistance.
ii) …………….. her disability, she runs a very successful business enterprise.
iii) Most companies had to lay off workers……….. the poor economic situation.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Replace the underlined word (s) with a suitable phrasal verb formed using the words in brackets(Solved)
Replace the underlined word (s) with a suitable phrasal verb formed using the words in brackets
i) The dog attacked the stranger the moment the gate was opened. (go)
ii) The patient recovered from his injuries sooner than we expected. (get)
iii) Linet was deceived by the smartly dressed man. (take)
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. We often fail to recognize opportunities. Indeed, even when we see an opportunity....(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
We often fail to recognize opportunities. Indeed, even when we see an opportunity we often manage it poorly. In the end, it does not give us the desired results. Tragically, opportunities do not come by every day. This is regardless that the focus is on business, or on any other workplace or on life generally.
Great opportunities are few and far between. When they finally arrive, they are likely to take the least expected character. This makes them difficult to recognize. We may only recognize them when they have already passed us by. Of course all of us have missed one opportunity or the other. However, a keen mind will help you to minimize missed chances.
It helps to be curious. This calls for deep insightful questions about the situations and environments that you find yourself in. when you seek to know new things you are more likely to generate new ideas that will lead to hidden opportunities. Curiously keeps your mind exercised and appropriately stretched.
Like a well-exercised muscle, your mind legs better and more effective when exercised this way. An exercised mind generates new ideas. It brings better insights and helps you to grab opportunities. A generous mind set is likely to see new opportunities. Such a mindset willing to give opportunities to others. It particulary recognizes opportunities that may be more useful to others than to the person seeing them. When you approach life this way, you are likely to see opportunities for yourself, too.
The greatest problems we encounter will most likely bring with them our lifetime opportunities. A difficult boss or a difficult business market may be what we need to open your eyes to that great opportunity and even personal potential.
It therefore pays to preserve. It is the persistence that will open up that opportunity. Quiting closes the door. A persistent mind-set hangs on long enough to see what lies at the end, you must have a confident mind-set.
There is always a light side to most circumstances. A mind-set that sees opportunities will appreciate the light side of things. It may from time to time even tends towards the “playful” and will be willing to break a few rules.
Sometimes things might not be as bad as they look. It might be when you are laughing at yourself that you see a whole new dimension of the circumstances. A bit of fun in difficult circumstances may be the energy needed to move on. Some of our worst moments might as well be our most hilarious ones in retrospect. That is why a mind-set with hindsight identifies opportunities faster because it is able to discern parallels between the present and the past. It seems the similarity of current circumstances and the likely outcomes of different courses of action. You develop hindsight by taking time to reflect on the past and particularly on the worst circumstances.
Finally, is the role of a grateful spirit. Gratitude shines a light on opportunities. When you are thankful for previous opportunities that have put you where you now are, you are more likely to see where else you should be. But when you are grumpy, all opportunities that you should see will blurred by dumbness of your grumpiness. Opportunities are managed by your mind-set and rarely by the many qualifications you my hold.
Adapted from the Daily Nation 19th may 2015
a) Referring to the first paragraph, what is tragic about opportunities?
b) Why is it difficult to recognize opportunities?
c) Identify and explain the style used in paragraph 4 of this passage.
d) In not more than 55 words, write a summary on the ways in which a persistent minds-set open up opportunities.
e) Explain the assertion that “sometimes things might not be as bad as they look.
f) i) Rewrite the following sentence beginning:
‘when exercised this way….’
Like a well-exercised muscle, your mind gets better and more effective when exercised this way.
ii)of course all of us have a missed one opportunity or other. Add a question tag
g) Explain the meaning of the following expressions As used in the passage.
i) Retrospect
ii) Grumpy
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Study the following conservation then answer the questions that follow. Michael: Hey, you! What is it?...(Solved)
Study the following conservation then answer the questions that follow.
Michael: Hey, you! What is it?
Paul : Two fifteen. Can’t you buy your own watch?
Michael: Ah! Don’t ask me funny questions. Is there a bus stop here?
Paul : Yeah that way, towards the market. You don’t know where to board a bus? Some people are
Michael: Don’t you see I’m a stranger? Where did you say the bus stop is? Near which market?
Paul : Ah! I told you that way! Don’t you have ears? The bus stop is that way, towards the market!
Michael: Don’t shout at me! Don’t shout! I don’t know what’s wrong with some people. I just don’t
Paul: Go away. I don’t know what’s wrong with you either.
i) What is the setting of this conservation?
ii) Identify instances of breach etiquette committed by the two.
iii) What should Paul have done in order to improve on his giving direction?
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow. There are words like freedom
Sweet and wonderful to say...(Solved)
Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
There are words like freedom
Sweet and wonderful to say
On my heartstrings freedom sings
All day everyday
There are words like liberty
That almost makes me cry
If you had known what I know
You would know why.
(Langston Hughes)
i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem.
ii) How would you perform line 6 of the poem.
iii) Give two pairs of rhyming words in the poem.
iv) Why do you think the words freedom and liberty are in italics.
v) Provide homophones for the following words used in the poem.
a) There
b) Sweet
c) Know
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word.(Solved)
Read the passage below and fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word.
Some students know so (1)________ that they are unable to understand and do the tasks that the examiner requires of them. This is also, (2) ________ often the result of lack of proper preparation on their part (3) _______ the teacher’s (4) _______to teach them. Rarely is this (5) ____ due to lack of teaching and access to books. Another aspect is the unfortunate desire (6) _____ many student’s part to try to impress. The desire often leads to (7) ______ use of vocabulary that distorts communication completely. Students are advised to use vocabulary that they are (9) ______ with and understand their meaning if not, the examiner is more likely to find out the fault with your diction than be impressed (10) ________ it.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
County Public Service Boards are finding themselves caught between a rock an d a hard place, owing to competing personal and political interests.
Many boards are enmeshed in an intricate web of personal interests and political arm-twisting by Governors, Members of County Assemblies (MCAs) and any other county politicians, even as they are required to observe the law.
These politicians are mainly interested in controlling the organization, staffing and functioning of workers at the county level-an exclusive function of the county boards.
“The issue has been problematic. Some boards are just hiring without following the human resource procedures and paying little attention to the wage bill problem, which is undermining economic development, “said Public Service Commission Chairperson Margaret Kobia.
Each of the 47 countries has public service board whose members are appointed by governors, with the approval of country assemblies. Clause 58 of The County Governments Act, 2012, provides that the membership of the board is comprised of a chairperson, at least three, and no more than five, other members and a certified public secretary who is the secretary to the board.
The boards according to clause 59 of the Act, are required to establish, fill and abolish offices in the county public service, advise the county government on human resource management and development, and make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for county public service employees.
In addition, the boards, like the national government equivalent –public service commission-have powers to discipline county public servants.
While the Act is clear on their role on recruitment of county staff, Sunday Nation established that some boards have been reduced to rubberstamps for governors and county executives, who Handpick staff.
In such cases ,the governors merely forward the names of their appointees to the boards to regularize and include them in the county government payroll, something Prof. Kobia said should never happen in a professionally run board.
(a) Why are county public service boards finding themselves in difficulties according to the first paragraph.
(b) What does the writer mean by the expression ‘between rock and a hard place’
(c) According to clause 59 of the County Government Act 2012, make notes on the duties of the county Public Service Boards.
(d) In what ways are the rules of recruitment of county staff flouted?
(e) The issue has been problematic. (Rewrite adding a question tag)
(f) What is the writers’s attitude towards the County Public Service Board?
(g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage
i) Enmeshed
(ii) Arm-twisting
(iii) Procedures
(iv) Handpick
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following passage changing all gender specific nouns to neutral ones.(Solved)
Rewrite the following passage changing all gender specific nouns to neutral ones.
Yesterday I took a taxi to the interview venue. On reaching the gate, I found a watchman who directed me to the room where the panel was sitting .I found several young men and women waiting to go in. A beautiful lady came and called me. In the interview room, I found the chairman and other members of the panel seated. They were all friendly except one man who kept asking me very difficult questions.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Find each of the blanks spaces below with the most appropriate word.(Solved)
Find each of the blanks spaces below with the most appropriate word.
In the past couple of months ,Kenya has(1)______________to deal with a swarm of security(2)_________.The knee jerk reaction of the political class as well as citizens and netizens has been to play(3)____________games. And while we are quick to apportion blame, we adopt the speed(4)___________a sloth to offer solutions.
We have become (5)____________the mediaval kingdoms(6)_________________solutions was to put someone’s head on a platter(8)_____________it is unlikely that many people will remain with their heads intact because as a country we face myriad challenges and may will be with (9)________for years to come.
But for now, let us keep our focus on the issue of national security(10)_____________problems in this sector are structural, not individual.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- You are a radio presenter with Classic FM and you are scheduled to interview the Deputy President about terrorism and piracy in Kenya.
i) What preparations...(Solved)
You are a radio presenter with Classic FM and you are scheduled to interview the Deputy President about terrorism and piracy in Kenya.
i) What preparations would you carry out before the interview.
ii) What strategies would you employ during the interview?
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.(Solved)
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
To rank or not rank? This is the(1)___________________that greeted the(2)____________on ranking of schools and students based on their performance in national examinations.(3)________________and cons on the decision by the government.
(4)__________________been put forth with education officials giving varied (5) __________________
(6)__________________the debate on the issue is gradually being relegated to the periphery, it is (7) _________________from being conducive. It is (8) _______________that scholars and education experts,(9)_____________should be the guiding lights by providing enlightened(10)_____________have been conspicuous in their silence on this burning issue.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- The short story
Illieva and Olembo (Ed), When The Sun Goes Down and Other stories
With illustration from Michael Anthony’s 'Sandra Street' contrast Sandra with the side...(Solved)
The short story
Illieva and Olembo (Ed), When The Sun Goes Down and Other stories
With illustration from Michael Anthony’s 'Sandra Street' contrast Sandra with the side of the town.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.
i) It is not surprising that Africa’s representative in the world cup performed dismally. (Begin: it is little…….)
ii) We all agree that Mwalimu Nyerere was humble. (rewrite in the past tense)
iii) Early elections results indicate that Sisi will not be defeated. (rewrite using 'unassailable')
iv) She loves him. (add a question tag)
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill the blank with the right form of the word in brackets.(Solved)
Fill the blank with the right form of the word in brackets.
i) You will have to pay for the ……….. of the house. (maintain)
ii) Fortunately, they are able to look at the matter with ………(objective)
iii) The workers decided to wait for the outcome of the …………. (deliberate)
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)
They are best seen not on foot or from outer space but through the window of an aero plane; the newly cleared lands, the expanding wave of roads and settlements, the spirals of smoke and the shrinking enclaves of natural habitat. In a glance, we are reminded that the once mighty wilderness has shriveled. We measure it in hectares and count the species it contains; knowing that everyday something vital is slipping from us, a million year old history fading from sight.
I invite you now to try to visualize the loss in biological diversity due to the reduction of natural habitat. Consider the loss, most invincible to us today but destined to be painfully obvious to our descendants that occurs when entire wilderness is degraded or destroyed. On a worldwide basis, extinction is accelerating and could reach ruinous proportions before too long. Not just birds and mammals are vanishing but such smaller forms such as mosses and insects. A conservative estimate of the current rate of extinction is 1000 species a year, mostly because of the destruction of forests and other key habitats in the tropics.
To arrest this devastation, we must protect biological diversity. One compelling reason for doing so is that we are part of life on earth and share its history. The acceptance of this fact does not diminish humanity but raises the status of non human creatures. We should pause and think before treating them as disposable matter.
Another reason why we should fiercely want to conserve land and species is that there is material gain involved for ourselves, our kin and our community. Looked at it from that perspective, the diversity of species is one of the most important resources. It is also the least utilized. We must come to depend entirely on less than one percent of living species for our existence, with the reminder waiting untested and fallow.
It is therefore not surprising that recent estimates show that we have only utilized about 7000 kinds of plants for food, with emphasis on wheat, maize, rye, and a dozen other highly domesticated species. Yet, at least 75800 species exist that are edible and superior to the ones we use. Among the potential star species is the winged bean found in New Guinea. It contains more potential than cassava and has a nutritional value equivalent to that of soya bean. It matures within few weeks and wonderfully, the entire plant can be eaten; tuber, seeds, leaves, flowers, stems, and all. It can be eaten raw or ground into flour. What’s more? A coffee like beverage can be extracted from it. Any wonder that it has been called a one- species supermarket?
Also unexploited are natural resources that have medical value. These have been called the sleeping giants of the pharmaceutical industry. Actually, one is every ten plants species contains compounds which can combat cancer. One such species is the rosy periwinkle found on the West Indies. You have no doubt heard of the neem plant (baptized “maurubaini” in Kenya) which is reputed to cure or manage a host of ailements.
If we, the inhabitants of the old good earth, know what is good for use, we will arise, one on all, and conserve our biodiversity with all that we have got.
1. What evidence of the destruction of the wilderness can be seen from the air?
2. Why will the destruction of the habitat become very obvious to future generations?
3. Rewrite the following sentence to begin: it ………
Not just birds and mammals are vanishing but such smaller forms as mosses and insects.
4. Add a question tag.
To arrest this devastation, we must protect biological diversity…….
5. Why does the author think there is no conflict between humans and non- humans?
6. In note form summarize the evidence the author gives to show that we have utilized the diversity of species.
7. In what way is the winged bean similar to supermarket?
8. Why are some natural products referred to as sleeping giants?
9. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases are used in the passage
i) Visualize
ii) Ruinous
iii) Conservative estimate
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)