a) The poem is about the disapproval of the disgusting public transport.lack of decorum example the bothersome gallant young man .The cheap talk in the vehicle like the prince of pork.The stampede witnessed when passengers alight and others board.
b) The person’s juxtaposition of important topics of discussion like love and the state makes a mock of the price of pork finding space as an agenda.
c) The man is indifferent.he is not moved by what is happening around him . He is deeply buried in the reading of his newspaper . While the gallant young man is bothersome infringing on the privacy of the young lady.
d) The voices include the voice of the young man who says “my dear ….” The other voice is the boarding passengers saying “ouch you’ve hurt my toe”
e) The conductor insensitive /selfish'he looks at the days collection and not the welfare of his passengers.He is also arrogant –it is said “what does he care
f) Legs and baskets represents people carrying luggage alighting an d entering the vehicle.
g) The last two lines present the article of the poem. The don’t care’ attitude of the poem towards the public transport system.
h) The tone of the poem is critical –the poet seems to cririse the lack of decorum in the public transport system.
i) Hubbub-talking in low tone / buzzing
prattles- annoying converse
marto answered the question on June 11, 2019 at 12:50
- Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Sales promotion involves taking measures such as advertising intended to win over and attract customers.Nowadays,people have more money to spend on goods produced in a highly competitive commercial world than was the case twenty years ago. Protection of the consumer is therefore necessary. As far as a law is concerned, both the seller and buyer are treated almost equally. However, the right of the buyers stems from the fact that the purchase of goods involves a contract between the seller and the buyer. The law recognizes that the buyers are responsible for ensuring that they set out to buy.
At times, consumers feel that they are exploited and they complain. At other times, a grievance may be voiced and yet no remedy is affected. This may be due to the consumer’s ignorance of their rights, their unwillingness to complain or simply indifference on their part.
Consumers dealing with public utility corporations, such as Post Office, sometimes experience frustrations yet they are taxed in order that such institutions may be financed. However weak the consumers are, they should at least be safeguarded from trade abuses such as rising prices of monopolies, poor weight and measures, false or misleading statemments,description,brand names or trademarks applied to both goods and services and in hygienic conditions.
The Kenya Consumer Organization is a voluntary organization that looks at the welfare of the consumers. It acts as a ‘watch dog’ on various aspects of consumer problems. These problems include overcharging, poor quality of goods on sale, artificial shortages, faulty packaging and refusal to sells or conditional selling to non-regular customers. If consumers find that what they have purchased is not up to the expected standard, they can direct their complaints to the organization. They are then asked to forward the faulty item plus the receipt to the organization. The item is examined and if the complaint is confirmed to be genuine, the organization sends a representative with the faulty item and the receipt to where it was purchased.
The representative explains the situation to the seller and requests either to replace the item or refund the money. If the seller is uncooperative; the organization then informs the Price Control Department which takes up the matter. Should the trader remain adamant, he or she will be prosecuted and fined if guilty.
Members of the organization also visit factories involved in production of consumer commodities. The aim of such visit is to inspect the processing and general cleanliness of such places and the quality of goods being produced and offered to the consumer. The organization then makes recommendations and if the factory fails to make the necessary rectification, the relevant authority is notified. This may result in legal action being taken against the factory
The Kenya Bureau of Standards is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that products manufactured in Kenya, either for the local market or export, measure to the international standard and specification. It also educates consumers on standardization. To promote standardization in industry and commerce, his bureau prepares specification and provides facilities for examination and testing of any commodities manufactured, produced and treated. It also controls the use of standardization and distinctive marks. Where necessary, the bureau also tests imported commodities.
The weight and measure department, on its part, ensures that all types of weighing and measuring instruments used in the country are accurate .Regular inspection and examination of these instruments is therefore a requirement.
The ministry of health is charged with the duty of ensuring that foods are hygienically prepared and supplied to the consumer. In conjunction with the ministry of Livestock Development, and especially the veterinary Department, the Health Inspectorate ensures that all slaughter houses are clean and that meat is inspected before being supplied. Health Inspectorate ensures that all slaughter houses are clean and that meat is inspected before being supplied. Health Inspectors also visit public eating-places and markets to ensure that general cleanliness is maintained.
The Dairy Board is a section of the ministry of Livestock Development, and is primarily charged with the supervision of dairy products. These include milk, butter, cheese, yoghurt and cream. The government also provides consumer protection through controlled monopoly and legal restrictions of charges and profits in certain commodities and services .Nationalization of certain commodities and services. Nationalization of certain services such as post and Telecommunications, banking, transport, health, education and water supply curbs exploitation.
(Adapted from commerce by R.N Gichira Macmillan 1982, 86-91
a) Why do consumers ‘grievances sometimes go uncorrected?
b) How is the position of consumers presented in this passage?
c) Rewrite the following sentence beginning 'Both ...'
As far as the law is concerned, both the seller and the buyer are treated almost equally.
d) Identify any four bodies that are concerned with consumer protection as highlighted in the passage.
e) What measures are taken by the Kenya consumer’s organization towards consumer protection?
f) In not more than 40 words, summarize the role that Kenya Bureau of Standards plays in consumer protection.
g) How is nationalization of service important in protecting consumers?
h) (i) What measures do you think consumers can take to facilitate their own protection?
(ii) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
Legal restrictions
ii) Curbs
iii) Sales promotion
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Identify two words from the following sentences with different spelling but similar pronunciation.(Solved)
Identify two words from the following sentences with different spelling but similar pronunciation.
a) What seems to ail the couple as they walk down the aisle is an aisle church?
b) After being told which side of the country he sired the child, he sighed heavily.
c) The ideal idol looks idle.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- The following words have two forms of pronunciation leading to a difference in meaning. For each of them construct two sentences to bring out this...(Solved)
The following words have two forms of pronunciation leading to a difference in meaning. For each of them construct two sentences to bring out this difference.
i) Minute
ii) Row
iii) Dove
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.(Solved)
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
The much anticipated parliamentary report(1)_____________the September 21 Westgate mall(2)___________in Nairobi appears to have opted for the middle ground in its attempt to make sense of one of the Kenya’s (3)______________terror attacks.
(4)____________hard questions have been (5)______________in the aftermath of the four day(6)__________(7)______________,there have been few convincing answers.
Some legislators (8)______________include the failure(9)________________act on intelligence, endemic corruption and the looting of business premises by(10)________________soldiers.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Witi Ihimaera. The Whale Rider
Witi Ihimaera places very heavy responsibility on the character of Kahu. Drawing your illustrations from The Whale Rider, do you disagree...(Solved)
Witi Ihimaera. The Whale Rider
Witi Ihimaera places very heavy responsibility on the character of Kahu. Drawing your illustrations from The Whale Rider, do you disagree with this statement
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give the meaning of the following idiom as used in this sentence.
(i) She looks a bit under the weather(Solved)
Give the meaning of the following idiom as used in this sentence.
(i) She looks a bit under the weather
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct preposition.(Solved)
Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct preposition.
(i) The traveler was robbed ………….all his money.
(ii) Early rising is beneficial ……..health.
(iii) It was thoughtful …….. her to apologize
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Replace the underlined word in each of the sentences below with an appropriate phrasal verb(Solved)
Replace the underlined word in each of the sentences below with an appropriate phrasal verb.
i) The messengers began their journey at dawn.
(ii) The film studio is being accused of exploiting the singer’s death.
(iii) She ensured that everybody got something to eat and drink.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences as instructed without changing the meaning.(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences as instructed without changing the meaning.
i) I saw the giraffe when I was walking to school. (Rewrite using the present participle)
(ii) “Run to church,” Lukoko told Njuru, “and ask the priest to come now.”
(Rewrite in reported speech)
(iii) You need to get up early tomorrow, ……………………………….(supply a question tag)
(iv) The teacher asked Musyoki and ………….to do it. (Me, I)
(Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank)
(v) Goods once sold will not be returned under any circumstances.
Begin: Under …
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. A renowned linguist, Joshua Fishman...(Solved)
Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
A renowned linguist, Joshua Fishman, identifies one of the signals of a dying language as its loss of ‘intergenerational’ use. ‘Intergenerational’ use means that there are old people, middle-aged people and young people using it. In other words, the language is not only alive among the older generation.
It is possible to argue that there is evidence that many Kenyan indigenous languages have begun their walk towards death. Many parents in urban areas speak to their children in English or Kiswahili at home. The unfortunate thing in urban areas is that, while a child who does not learn English or Kiswahili at home will learn it well enough at school, the only social institution that would pay attention to the acquisition of the indigenous language is the home. Increased social mobility, urbanization, inter-ethnic marriages and formal education have hampered the transmission of indigenous languages to the next generation. Of these factors, urbanization is seen to have contributed to the weakening of indigenous languages in various ways.
To begin with, in urban areas and cosmopolitan areas, the natural environment for the acquisition, development and transmission of indigenous language is absent. Relatives, particularly grandparents whose only language is the indigenous language, are not part of the urban social set-up. The growing child, therefore, finds that English and Kiswahili are sufficient communication tools. This reduces the motivation to learn and use the indigenous language. Thus, many of the children growing up in urban settings lack basic oral skills in their parents’ indigenous languages. If this is not checked, these young people will have no indigenous language to pass onto the next generation, and this will keep reducing the number of speakers of those particular languages.
Another aspect of urban life that affects language transmission in Kenya is that most mothers are career women. They rely on domestic helps to bring up their children. These domestic helps, in most cases, speak a different indigenous language from that of the employers. In nearly all such situations, the parents instruct the domestic help to speak to their children either in Kiswahili or in English.
Inter-ethnic marriages are more common in urban areas than in the rural areas. Within the patriarchal family structure in Kenya, it is expected that the wife in such a marriage will learn her husband’s language and then pass it on to the children. However, the environment in urban area does not enable the wife to learn her husband’s language. In many of such cases, the wife chooses to address the children in Kiswahili or English and leaves the husband, in the limited time he has with the children to pass on his language. It is thus, understandable if such children, who also spend most of their playtime with children from other language groups, develop better skills in a common language such as Kiswahili or English.
Another characteristic of the urban areas is that the desire to communicate across language groups surpasses the wish to express oneself in the indigenous language. The language of choice in social gatherings is therefore a common language such as Kiswahili. Insistence on using indigenous languages in such social gatherings is viewed as arrogance.
It is important to note that a lot of development in Kenya takes place in the urban areas and, therefore, the urban population is associated with prestige and is viewed as the pacesetter in many aspects of life. Thus, what happens in urban centres soon spreads to rural areas, including the use of a common language for communication.
Urbanization and westernization have also led to the disintegration of the traditional social structures within which the various genres in indigenous languages were used. Ceremonies in which people expressed themselves in song, dance, poetry and speeches in their indigenous languages have been largely replaced by modern ceremonies conducted either in Kiswahili, in English, or in both Kiswahili and English. This reduces the environments in which indigenous languages are used and makes it difficult for the young generation in the urban areas to develop language skills in these languages.
History shows that urbanization is here to stay. It is, therefore, important for societies to find ways of keeping the indigenous languages alive.
a) Drawing your illustration from the first paragraph, identify one signal of a dying language.
b) What evidence does the writer give to prove that Kenyan indigenous are dying out.
c) State the factors that have hindered the transmission of indigenous languages to the next generation.
d) Identify and explain the imagery in the second paragraph
e) In what ways does the urban social set-up interfere with the natural environment for the acquisition of the indigenous language.
f) What role do domestic helps play in language transmission?
g) In note form outline the writer’s argument on how urbanization has contributed to the weakening of indigenous languages.
h) Explain the meaning of the following expression as used in the passage.
patriarchal family structure
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following conversation between Paul and the principal and then answer the question that
Read the following conversation between Paul and the principal and then answer the question that
Principal: Welcome Paul, please have a seat.
Paul: (After sitting down) Sir, why did you call me?
Principal: I would like us to have a chat about ………..
Paul: I have not done anything wrong; you can even ask Elijah, the class prefect I was with him the
whole day yesterday.
Principal: Actually the reason why I called you is because……
Paul Speaker louder, I can’t hear you.
Principal: (In a louder voice). The reason why I sent for you is because I have just received news
from …………….
Paul: (shouting!) David! I knew that fool could not be trusted with a secret. Okay, it’s true that
Elijah and I sneaked out of school yesterday but we were hungry, really hungry. All we did was buy a loaf of bread and then sneaked back to school.
Principal: Paul, I wish you could listen to me. The reason I called you here is because I have received
news that you have won an award in the creating writing contest that you entered last year. I have a cheque here for you; however, you have raised a matter that I would like to attend to without further delay. Please go and call Elijah. By the time you get back I will have decided on the best punishment for you two.
Focus on English book 4.
i) How does Paul demonstrate lack of etiquette in his speech.
ii) What should Paul do to improve his listening skills
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
As a student who does well in Science and Maths, I always wonder why English is taught as a _______________ (1) subject in high school. We were taught spelling and punctuation from Primary school. But this fizzles out once we ______________ (2) to high school. Now, I can understand the teaching of English if it involved things such as ________________ (3) to write a thesis paper or how to write a proposal. But we are taught to analyse _____________(4) and what they mean to us. We are made to ____________ (5) lengthy essays on a weekly basis explaining things such as “How women have played a significant role in the development of their society,” and we have to include examples and quotes from different texts. The _________________ (6) work is then marked according to how well they _______________ (7) and are generally not marked _________________ (8) because of things such as ____________(9) and punctuation. I believe that what we learn in primary school should be a ________________ (10) of what to expect in secondary school.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- George does not smoke. He does not drink. (Join the sentences using: Neither……nor…..)(Solved)
George does not smoke. He does not drink. (Join the sentences using: Neither……nor…..)
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Punctuate the following sentence. How many times have I warned you not to dirty your clothes mother asked my little brother...(Solved)
punctuate the following sentence.
How many times have I warned you not to dirty your clothes mother asked my little brother.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the appropriate pronoun to fill the blank spaces. Do not use the pronoun 'you'(Solved)
Use the appropriate pronoun to fill the blank spaces. Do not use the pronoun 'you'
i) Peter and ………… won our matches.
ii) I wish I were …………
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences filling the blank spaces with the correct complex preposition(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences filling the blank spaces with the correct complex preposition.
i) People need to learn basic first aid so that …………..an accidentally they can be of assistance.
ii) …………….. her disability, she runs a very successful business enterprise.
iii) Most companies had to lay off workers……….. the poor economic situation.
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Replace the underlined word (s) with a suitable phrasal verb formed using the words in brackets(Solved)
Replace the underlined word (s) with a suitable phrasal verb formed using the words in brackets
i) The dog attacked the stranger the moment the gate was opened. (go)
ii) The patient recovered from his injuries sooner than we expected. (get)
iii) Linet was deceived by the smartly dressed man. (take)
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. We often fail to recognize opportunities. Indeed, even when we see an opportunity....(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
We often fail to recognize opportunities. Indeed, even when we see an opportunity we often manage it poorly. In the end, it does not give us the desired results. Tragically, opportunities do not come by every day. This is regardless that the focus is on business, or on any other workplace or on life generally.
Great opportunities are few and far between. When they finally arrive, they are likely to take the least expected character. This makes them difficult to recognize. We may only recognize them when they have already passed us by. Of course all of us have missed one opportunity or the other. However, a keen mind will help you to minimize missed chances.
It helps to be curious. This calls for deep insightful questions about the situations and environments that you find yourself in. when you seek to know new things you are more likely to generate new ideas that will lead to hidden opportunities. Curiously keeps your mind exercised and appropriately stretched.
Like a well-exercised muscle, your mind legs better and more effective when exercised this way. An exercised mind generates new ideas. It brings better insights and helps you to grab opportunities. A generous mind set is likely to see new opportunities. Such a mindset willing to give opportunities to others. It particulary recognizes opportunities that may be more useful to others than to the person seeing them. When you approach life this way, you are likely to see opportunities for yourself, too.
The greatest problems we encounter will most likely bring with them our lifetime opportunities. A difficult boss or a difficult business market may be what we need to open your eyes to that great opportunity and even personal potential.
It therefore pays to preserve. It is the persistence that will open up that opportunity. Quiting closes the door. A persistent mind-set hangs on long enough to see what lies at the end, you must have a confident mind-set.
There is always a light side to most circumstances. A mind-set that sees opportunities will appreciate the light side of things. It may from time to time even tends towards the “playful” and will be willing to break a few rules.
Sometimes things might not be as bad as they look. It might be when you are laughing at yourself that you see a whole new dimension of the circumstances. A bit of fun in difficult circumstances may be the energy needed to move on. Some of our worst moments might as well be our most hilarious ones in retrospect. That is why a mind-set with hindsight identifies opportunities faster because it is able to discern parallels between the present and the past. It seems the similarity of current circumstances and the likely outcomes of different courses of action. You develop hindsight by taking time to reflect on the past and particularly on the worst circumstances.
Finally, is the role of a grateful spirit. Gratitude shines a light on opportunities. When you are thankful for previous opportunities that have put you where you now are, you are more likely to see where else you should be. But when you are grumpy, all opportunities that you should see will blurred by dumbness of your grumpiness. Opportunities are managed by your mind-set and rarely by the many qualifications you my hold.
Adapted from the Daily Nation 19th may 2015
a) Referring to the first paragraph, what is tragic about opportunities?
b) Why is it difficult to recognize opportunities?
c) Identify and explain the style used in paragraph 4 of this passage.
d) In not more than 55 words, write a summary on the ways in which a persistent minds-set open up opportunities.
e) Explain the assertion that “sometimes things might not be as bad as they look.
f) i) Rewrite the following sentence beginning:
‘when exercised this way….’
Like a well-exercised muscle, your mind gets better and more effective when exercised this way.
ii)of course all of us have a missed one opportunity or other. Add a question tag
g) Explain the meaning of the following expressions As used in the passage.
i) Retrospect
ii) Grumpy
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Study the following conservation then answer the questions that follow. Michael: Hey, you! What is it?...(Solved)
Study the following conservation then answer the questions that follow.
Michael: Hey, you! What is it?
Paul : Two fifteen. Can’t you buy your own watch?
Michael: Ah! Don’t ask me funny questions. Is there a bus stop here?
Paul : Yeah that way, towards the market. You don’t know where to board a bus? Some people are
Michael: Don’t you see I’m a stranger? Where did you say the bus stop is? Near which market?
Paul : Ah! I told you that way! Don’t you have ears? The bus stop is that way, towards the market!
Michael: Don’t shout at me! Don’t shout! I don’t know what’s wrong with some people. I just don’t
Paul: Go away. I don’t know what’s wrong with you either.
i) What is the setting of this conservation?
ii) Identify instances of breach etiquette committed by the two.
iii) What should Paul have done in order to improve on his giving direction?
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow. There are words like freedom
Sweet and wonderful to say...(Solved)
Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
There are words like freedom
Sweet and wonderful to say
On my heartstrings freedom sings
All day everyday
There are words like liberty
That almost makes me cry
If you had known what I know
You would know why.
(Langston Hughes)
i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem.
ii) How would you perform line 6 of the poem.
iii) Give two pairs of rhyming words in the poem.
iv) Why do you think the words freedom and liberty are in italics.
v) Provide homophones for the following words used in the poem.
a) There
b) Sweet
c) Know
Date posted: June 11, 2019. Answers (1)