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You are the principal of Boresha Secondary school. Your former student has indicated you as his referee in his application for a job at Utumishi...


You are the principal of Boresha Secondary school. Your former student has indicated you as his referee in his application for a job at Utumishi organization to be employed as a clerk. Write a reference letter to the Human Resource manager about the suitability of the applicant.



Functional writing
Format 6mks
Content 8 mks
Language 4 mks
Tone 2mks
Total 20 mks
i) Addresses (sender’s) 1mk
ii) Date ½ mark
iii) Recipient’s address 1 mark
iv) Salutation ½ mark
v) Subject must be REF 1 mk
vi) Signing off
Yours faithfully 1mk
Sign 1mk
Name/ designation
i) Should acknowledge the identity of the student
ii) Should mention positive attributes I the following
a) Conduct/ displine
b) Academic performance
c) Leadership position held in school
d) Participation in co- curriculum at least 3 attributes
iii) Should recommend the student to HRM
It must be a confidential report if not 2 mks AD
Mixed format deduct upto
marto answered the question on June 12, 2019 at 01:42

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