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Write a composition beginning with the words. 'You will serve as an example to the rest of the student in this school,' the principal said as...


Write a composition beginning with the words.
'You will serve as an example to the rest of the student in this school,' the principal said as he pushed me into his office….


b) Write a composition on the following statement:

'Technological advancement has impacted negatively on the society, especially the youth'



Imaginative composition
a) Points of interpretation
- It must be a story if not deduct 4 marks
- Must begin with the given statement if not deduct 2 marks
- The statement must be relevant to the story.

b) Points of interpretation
- The composition must be argumentative, candidate can argue for/ against the statement. If not deduct upto 4 marks
- Candidate must take a stand/ position. If not deduct upto 4 marks
- Must be in continuous prose
NB: Maximum deduction for both 1a and 1b is 4 marks
marto answered the question on June 12, 2019 at 02:19

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