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Describe causes of various deficiency symptoms and nutritional disorders in livestock.


Describe causes of various deficiency symptoms and nutritional disorders in livestock.



— retarded growth, poor eye sight, and reduced disease resistance due to vitamin A deficiency
- Retarded growth, slow heartbeat, poor production, reduced disease resistance due to vitamin B deficiency
- curled toe paralysis in chicks due to vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency
- defective bones and teeth, continuous bleeding of flesh wounds and sore gums due to vitamin C deficiency
- rickets, softness of bones, weak teeth, soft shelled eggs, and enlarged joints due to vitamin D deficiency
- sterility and premature births due to vitamin E deficiency
- excessive bleeding from open wounds due to failure of Nood to clot on injured parts due to vitamin K deficiency
- milk fever due to ca’cium deficiency
- oesteomalacia due to calcium and phosphorus deficiency
- soft shelled eggs or eggs without shells due to calcium deficiency
- pica due to phosphorus deficiency
- grass tetany/hypomagnicemialgrass staggers due to magnesium deficiency
- anaemia due to iron deficiency
- enzootic neonatal ataxial” swayback” due to copper deficiency
- Goiter due to iodine deficiency
- Loss oNvool or feathers due to sulphur deficiency
- paraleratosis due to zinc deficiency
- loss of appetite, reduced growth rates, premature births, scaly skin, and low milk yields due to cobalt deficiency
- delay of sexual maturity, irregular ovulation, sterility, reduced hatchability, thin shelled eggs and head retraction in chicks due to manganase deficiency
- Bovine ketosis or acetoanaenia due to impaired metabolism of carbohydrates and volatile fatty acids
Kavungya answered the question on June 12, 2019 at 11:00

Next: Name the vitamins whose deficiency leads to the following conditions in animals. (i) Sterility (ii) Excessive bleeding from open wounds (iii) Sore gums
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