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a) Write an argumentative essay basing on the statement: It is impossible to wipe out corruption in Kenya. Or b) Write a story ending with : ' . ....


a) Write an argumentative essay basing on the statement:

It is impossible to wipe out corruption in Kenya.


b) Write a story ending with :
' . . . that was when I realized that social media can be very destructive.'



Imaginative composition

This question is intended to test the candidates
ability to communicate in writing. Communication is established at different levels of intelligibility, correctness, accuracy, fluency, pleasantness and originality within the constraints
set by each question. It is the linguistic competence shown by the candidate that should carry most of the marks.
Examiners should not hesitate to use the full range of marks for each essay. It is important to determine first how each essay communicates and in which category A, B, C or D it fits.

D CLASS (01 - 05)
The candidate does not communicate at all or his language ability is so minimal
that the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate wants to say. The candidate fails to fit the English words he knows into meaningful sentences. The subject is glanced at or distorted. Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors “Broken English”

Chaotic, little meaning whatsoever. Question
paper or some words from it simply copied.

D (03)
Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. The errors are continuous.

Although the English is often broken and the essay is full of errors of all types we can at least guess what the candidate wants to say.

C CLASS (06 - 10)
The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. He is not
confident with his language. The subject is often undeveloped. There may be some digression. Unnecessary repetitions are frequent. The arrangement is weak and the flow jerky. There is no economy of language; mother tongue influence is felt. Watch for repetition for emphasis.

The candidate obviously finds it difficult to communicate his ideas. He is seriously hampered by his very limited knowledge of structure and vocabulary. This results in many gross errors of agreement and sentence construction

C 08
The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity. His linguistic ability
being very limited, he cannot avoid frequent
errors in sentence structure. There is little
variety or originality. Very bookish English, links are weak, incorrect, repeated at times.

The candidates communicates clearly but in a
flat and uncertain manner. Simple concept
sentence forms are often strained. There may be an overuse of clichés, unsuitable idioms, proverbs are misquoted or misinterpreted. The flow is still jerky. There are some errors of agreement, tenses and spelling.

B CLASS ( 11- 15)
This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease of expression. The candidate demonstrates that he can use English as a normal way of expressing himself. Sentences are varied and usually well constructed. Some candidates become ambitious and even over-ambitious. There may be items of merit of one word or one expression type. Many essays in this
category may be just be clean and unassuming
but they still show that the candidate is at ease with the language. There may be a tendency to under mark such essays. Give credit for tone.

The candidate communicates fairly and with
some fluency. There may be little variety in sentence structure. Gross errors are still found occasionally, but this must not be over punished by the examiner.

B 13
The sentences are varied but rather simple and straight forward. The candidate does not strain himself in an effort to impress. There is a fair range of vocabulary and idiom. Natural and effortless. Some items of merit, economy of language.
The candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly and without strain. There are errors and slips. Tenses, spelling and punctuation are quite good. A number of items of merit of the “whole sentence” or the “whole expression” type.
Merit ticks phrasal verbs, inversions, idioms etc
variety of sentences, correct vocabulary.

A CLASS (16-20)
The candidate communicates not only fluently but attractively, with originality and efficiency. He has the ability to make us share his deep feelings, emotions, enthusiasms. He expresses himself freely and without any visible constraint. The script gives evidence of maturity, good planning and often humour. Many items of merit
which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no strain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement, felicity of expression.

The candidate shows competence and fluency in using the language. He may lack imagination or originality which usually provide the “spark” in such essay. Vocabulary, idioms, sentence structure, links variety are impressive. Gross errors are very rare

A 18
Positive ability. A few errors that are felt to the slips. The story or argument has a definite impact. No grammar - problem. Variety of structure. A definite spark. Many margin ticks.

The candidate communicates not only information and meaning, but also and especially the candidate’s whole self, his feelings, tastes, points of view, youth, culture.
This ability to communicate his deep self may express itself in many ways; wide range of effective vocabulary, original approach, vivid and sustained account in the case of a narrative, well developed and ordered argument in the case of a debate or discussion
Errors and slips should not deprive the candidate of the full marks he deserves. A very definite spark.

1. Imaginative Composition
This questions is intended to test the candidate’s ability to communicate in writing. This is established at the level of accuracy, fluency, pleasantness, intelligence and originality. The linguistic conference shown by the candidate should carry most of the marks.
D class - 01 - 05
C class - 06 - 10
B class - 11 - 15
A class - 16 - 20
a) Argumentative Essay
Points of interpretation
- Must be an argument essay, if not deduct 4 marks
-Candidate must give points for and against the topic and take a stand.
- Candidates should show understanding of corruption.

b) It must be a story. If not deduct upto 4 marks
- If the sentence is not at the end deduct 2 marks (2AD)
- Irrelevancy deduct upto 4 marks
- Must present a credible scenario suggested by and leading to culminating in the sentence given. If it is’ not apparent, treat as irrelevant and deduct upto 4 marks. The scenario should
feature a destructive experience resultant from
the social media
marto answered the question on June 12, 2019 at 12:10

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