What meaning is denoted from the accounts of creation?


What meaning is denoted from the accounts of creation?



- The spirit of God hovering over water implies God spiritual and divine nature. He hand indeed planed for his work
The creation of light at ?rst sight shows God's orderly operation
The phrase “Let there be” evidences God's authority, superiority and his being omnipotent

- God used the phrase “let us” while creating man to indicate the Holy Trinity (God the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit)

- The creation of man in their image and likeness of God proves that the shares life with God.

-Breathing of air into the nostrils shows that life is precious and is given by God

- Setting aside the Sabbath for rest shows God's intention to be worshiped and the moral way of spending leisure

- Man naming God's creations set's him as God's Co-worker and bring out his responsibility

- The tilling of the land of Eden presents man as the tilling of the land of Eden presents man as a conserve and preserver of the environment and his own use

- The forbidden tree challenges man's ability to obey God's command.

marto answered the question on June 13, 2019 at 06:07

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